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Chapter 39: Reproduction, Growth And Development By Mr. A. Rogan.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 39: Reproduction, Growth And Development By Mr. A. Rogan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 39: Reproduction, Growth And Development By Mr. A. Rogan

2 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Introduction:  Male and female reproductive organs produce Sex cells (Gametes).

3 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Female sex cell called the ovum or the egg.  Produced in the ovary  Ovum – 0.1 mm long

4 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Male sex cells are Sperm.  Sperm are produced in the testis  Sperm – 0.01 mm long

5 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Zygote – When an egg and a sperm fuse they form a zygote.  Zygotes develop into a new individual.

6 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Fertilisation:  Fertilisation is the fusion (joining together) of an egg cell with a sperm cell.

7 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development


9  Male Reproductive Parts:  Sperm Duct  Penis  Testis  Scrotum  Prostrate Gland  Urethra

10 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Sperm Duct:  Carries Sperm from testis to urethra  Penis:  Releases sperm and passes into the vagina

11 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Testis:  Produces sperm and testosterone.  Scrotum:  Holds the testes and keeps them at the right temperature.

12 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Prostrate Gland:  Secretes fluid which help sperm to swim – Semen.  Urethra:  Carries sperm during intercourse and urine during excretion.

13 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development.

14 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Female Reproductive Parts:  Ovary  Neck of womb  Fallopian tube  Womb  Vagina

15 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Ovary:  Produces eggs and oestrogen  Neck of womb:  Cervix- entrance to the womb

16 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Fallopian Tube:  Carries the egg from the ovary to the womb  Womb:  Uterus – hold developing embryo

17 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Vagina:  Holds the penis during intercourse.  It is the birth canal, down which the baby passes.

18 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Puberty:  10 – 15 years  Changes to body  Caused by hormones (body chemicals)  Now physically capable of having a baby.

19 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Changes To Body:  Male:  Voice Deepening  Underarm hair  Facial Hair  Sperm Production  Pubic Hair

20 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Changes To Body:  Female:  Underarm Hair  Breasts Develop  Widening Of Hips  Pubic Hair

21 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Menstrual Cycle:  1 egg released from an ovary once a month – Ovulation.  Egg travels to the uterus

22 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Menstrual Cycle:  The uterus wall becomes thick and rich in blood vessels.  If unfertilized, the egg passes out via the vagina.

23 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Menstrual Cycle:  Menstruation – The uterus wall is now not needed so it breaks down and is also shed

24 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Menstrual Cycle:  This occurs once a month unless the egg is fertilised.  After 45 – 50 years of age, no more eggs are produced – Menopause.

25 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Intercourse:  200,000,000 sperm released from a stiff, erect penis into woman's vagina (near cervix) – copulation.

26 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Fertilisation:  Sperm swim through cervix, up the uterus into the fallopian tubes.  If an egg is present fertilisation may occur.

27 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Even if no egg is present, sperm may live for 2 – 3 days in the woman's body.  Egg may live for 24 hours.

28 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Development Of Foetus:  Sperm + Egg = Zygote  Zygote divides many times to form ball of cells.

29 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  It travels to the womb.  The ball of cells (embryo) sticks to and sinks into the womb wall (full of blood vessels) – nourishment.  Implantation.

30 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  The embryo develops for 40 weeks in the womb.

31 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development

32  Family Planning:  Limiting and spacing the number of children a couple have.

33 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  How?  By using contraception:  Natural Methods – avoid intercourse around ovulation.

34 Chapter 45: Reproduction, Growth And Development  Artificial Methods  The pill – prevents ovulation  Condoms – Prevent sperm from reaching the egg

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