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What then, shall I tweet? How to use Twitter/Instagram/etc now that you have them.

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Presentation on theme: "What then, shall I tweet? How to use Twitter/Instagram/etc now that you have them."— Presentation transcript:

1 What then, shall I tweet? How to use Twitter/Instagram/etc now that you have them

2 Congrats! You have opened a social media account! Hooray for you! Now, what shall you do with it?

3 Social Media social media are Web 2.0 internet-based applications Think Facebook, Twitter, etc. Things on the web that do more than present information in a static way. “user-generated content (UGC) is the lifeblood of the social media organism” Facebook doesn’t create the content for its website; you do. users create service-specific profiles for the site or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization social media facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals and/or groups

4 Social Media can take many forms Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat**, blogs (sort of) Hashtag is #sign followed by a word or phrase, used to sort posts into categories for easy searching. Hashtags are used universally across social media platforms. Form follows function Some platforms are better suited to certain functions than others I.e. Please don’t livetweet things via Facebook. It makes Internet Jesus cry. Think of what you want to do, then choose appropriate form Think of how you like to communicate In short bursts? Via conversation? In images?

5 So what would you like to share?

6 News Broadcasting Think Forward Day by Day, SSJE, Loyola Press. Or the actual news people: CNN, NPR, journalists, etc. Also a good FB form.

7 Commentary Want to learn about something? Want to share what you know on a topic?

8 Advocacy/ Activism Argue for something you believe in. Fight for change. (It is ok to have conversation and disagreement on SM, so long as you are a decent human about it.) Deray Mckesson Brittany Packnett Hilary Gee

9 Tweetchats Intentional conversations via social media. #chsocm #hlthcrsm #SlateSpeak

10 Livetweeting Excellent way to build community, meet people, stay engaged, get instant feedback. #iwc16 #gc78 #scandal #oscarssowhite #SoundofMusicLive #WorldCup2014

11 And kitchen sink --Jokes --Random thoughts --Odd community Deray’s Vest EmoKyloRen BigBen Unvirtuous Abbey

12 Churches killing it on social media It can be done! Just with time and energy Holy Communion, Memphis Trinity, Wall Street Anglican Diocese of Toronto

13 Tips and tricks Check your hashtag before you decide on it. Keep it short, sweet, and identifiable. Develop an identity. Engage with your followers. Create conversations. Don’t just broadcast Keep the message formatted to the medium you are using. Please don’t just tweet a link to your FB page. Internet Jesus gets colic. Thou shalt not intrude upon conversations not meant for you, neither shalt thou feed the trolls. Be your authentic self!

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