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Political Parties C&G.2.8- Structure and organization of political parties.

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1 Political Parties C&G.2.8- Structure and organization of political parties

2 A.Party Systems 1.One-party system: one single dominant party a) Example: China- Communist Party; Muslims control the government in Iran b) Are not really democratic 2.Multi-party system:3 or more competing parties a) Example: Canada (3) Germany (5) Israel (12) b) Generally don’t work really well - too many viewpoints

3 3. Two-party system: government power shifts between 2 dominant parties a) History in U.S.: NOT written in the US Constitution; actually started as Federalists and Anti-Federalists (Hamilton vs Jefferson); Jefferson’s party became Democrats, Hamilton’s party became Republicans b) Democrats: (1) Symbol: Donkey Nickname: Dems (2) Viewpoints: Believe gov’t should be more directly involved in American lives. (regulating economy; provide housing, income, education, and jobs for poor) c) Republicans: (1) Symbol: Elephant Nickname: GOP (Grand Old Party) (2) Viewpoints: Believe gov’t should have less regulation (will promote more growth in production = more jobs)

4 Third Parties: minor parties in a 2-party system a)Generally do not win presidential elections b)Can influence elections (“spoiler”) Famous Third Parties: Progressives, Prohibitionists, Green Party, Constitution Party, Populists, Libertarians

5 B. Party Platforms/Planks -Party Platforms = a party’s set of principles and policies -Planks = major parts of the platform 1)Taxes: R-broad based tax cuts, D-tax cuts for lower incomes 2)Gov’t Spending: R-reduce spending, D-larger fed spending 3)Foreign Policy: R-has right to act alone against terrorists (“Bush Doctrine”); D-work w/international organizations (UN & NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organizations) 4)Abortion: R-no Constitutional right to abortion (pro- life), D-abortions legal (pro-choice)

6 5) Affirmative Action: R-oppose race-based quotas, D- support preferential treatment to achieve racial diversity 6)Social Security Reform: R- favor creating individual retirement accounts, D-oppose privatization and individual retirement accounts 7)Health Care: R-favor HMO (health maintenance organization) reform and coverage, D-support universal health-care coverage guaranteed by the federal gov’t 8)Education: R-less federal spending & more local control, D-favor increased fed. spending & control 9)Minimum Wage: R-oppose it, D-support regular increases

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