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Unit 4 Chapter 9 Notes “Elections”-Answers

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1 Unit 4 Chapter 9 Notes “Elections”-Answers
Complete the Guided Reading / Structured Notes as you view the Power Point.

2 Standards: Essential Standards:
CE.C&G.2.8: Distinguish between one, two and multi-party governments CE.C&G.3.6: Analyze the role media, interest groups, political parties, and propaganda play in influencing elections and public policy CE.C&G.5.1: Explain the election process

3 Unit 4 Elections: Chapter 9 Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Political Parties and Politics Section 1: Development of American Political Parties Political Parties Political Party- an association of voters with broad, common interests who want to influence or control decision making in the government by electing a party’s candidates to public office Party members share beliefs about politics and the proper role of government Two major political parties in U.S. Two-party system

4 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Growth of American Parties The Constitution does not say anything about political parties In the late 1790’s, two rival parties formed in the U.S.- they disagreed about how the U.S. government should operate Thomas Jefferson led one group- Democratic- Republican Party Alexander Hamilton led the other group- Federalist Party Both supported protection for individual rights- but differed in their beliefs of how to accomplish their goals


6 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Hamilton favored a strong national government Wanted the president to have more power Federalists Jefferson wanted to limit the power of the national government He wanted more power for state governments because they were closer to the citizens Anti-Federalists



9 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
The Democratic Party- Jefferson’s party called Democratic-Republican Party 1828 under leadership of Andrew Jackson party split Those who supported Jackson called themselves the Democratic Party 1800 – 1816 Democratic Party grew stronger Hamilton’s party called the Federalists 1800 – 1816 Federalists faded away 1816 – 1828 Democrats faced no challenges 1830 Whig Party formed (aka National Republicans)- competed with Democrats Whigs and Democrats were the two major political parties until the 1850’s

10 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
The Republican Party- 1854 a group of breakaway Democrats and Whigs (many of whom opposed slavery) formed the Republican Party Republican Party replaced the Whig Party Republicans did not all agree on what to do about slavery in the South, but all agreed it had to be kept out of the Northern territories 1860 Abraham Lincoln won election as first Republican president

11 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Since 1854 Republicans and Democrats have been the 2 major political parties in the U.S.


13 Growth of Political Parties

14 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Third Parties Called third parties because they challenge the 2 major parties No third party candidate has ever been elected president Ideological Parties An ideology is a set of beliefs about how people should interact and how governments should operate

15 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Other Party Systems Most democracies have multi-party systems where 3 or more parties compete for control of the government- one party rarely wins enough support to control the government so several parties must work together- very unstable system Canada Germany Israel One party systems are not democratic because the one party controls all politics China- Communist


17 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
How the parties Differ Major difference among parties is how much government involvement they believe should be in lives of Americans

18 How the Political Parties Differ
Democrat: Democrats tend to believe the government should be more directly involved in regulating the economy and providing housing, income, education and jobs for the poor Republican: Republicans tend to believe that if they help the nation’s economy grow, poor people will have a better chance of finding jobs and meeting their needs on their own- they favor less government regulation of the economy as a way to promote the growth of production Liberal on Left Conservative on Right



21 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Read party platform to know their views and beliefs on issues Platform- series of statements expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues Each individual part of the platform is called a plank

22 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Section 2: Organization of American Political Parties Organization of Political Parties Democratic and Republican Parties are organized at the local, state, and national levels State and Local Organizations Each city or county is divided into election districts or precincts Precinct- a geographic area that contains a specific number of voters All voters in a precinct cast their ballots at the same voting place The precinct captain organizes party members and encourages voters on Election Day Ward- geographically connected precincts


24 Unit 4 Elections Standards: 2.8, 3.6, 5.1
Primary Elections Today major parties in all states nominate candidates at all levels of government through direct primaries The direct primary is an election in which voters choose candidates to represent each party in a general election Closed Primary- election in which only declared members of a party are allowed to vote for that party’s nominees Open Primary- election in which voters do not need to declare their party preference in order to vote for the party’s nominees Majority- when one candidate wins more than half of the votes If no candidate receives a majority vote, the party holds a runoff primary between the top two vote getters The winner then becomes the party’s candidate in the general election


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