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DNA to Proteins: Transcription and Translation. Sickle Cell Anemia Video.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA to Proteins: Transcription and Translation. Sickle Cell Anemia Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA to Proteins: Transcription and Translation

2 Sickle Cell Anemia Video

3 RNA – Ribonucleic acid Properties of RNA Single stranded Has Uracil (U) instead of Thymine (T) Has ribose instead of deoxyribose Can leave the nucleus 3 Types of RNA Messenger RNA –mRNA Makes a temporary copy of DNA, leaves nucleus Transfer RNA – tRNA Carries 20 different amino acids to ribosome Ribosomal RNA – rRNA Ribosome is made of rRNA


5 The Overall Process DNA  proteins 1.Keratin (protein in nail) is broken! Body sends signals to make replacement protein. 2.During Transcription a copy of DNA is made as mRNA 3.mRNA leaves nucleus, and travels to ribosomes in cytoplasm 4.tRNA brings in the right amino acids by matching the code on mRNA. This is called translation. 5.Specific sequence of amino acids bond together to form the protein, keratin

6 Transcription – creating a complimentary mRNA copy of DNA DNA is too important to leave the nucleus, so RNA copy is made mRNA leaves the nucleus, and enters cytoplasm RNA Polymerase – reads DNA and adds RNA bases A – Uracil (U) G -C


8 mRNA leaves nucleus through nuclear pores

9 Translation – ribosome reads mRNA to synthesize (make) proteins 1.mRNA binds to ribosome 2.Ribosome reads mRNA bases 3 at a time Codon – 3 bases on mRNA 3.tRNA comes to ribosome, carrying amino acids Anticodon – 3 bases on tRNA 4.Anticodons match codons, building a chain of amino acids 5.STOP codon releases the newly made protein

10 Peptide bond forms Translation tRNA Protein Amino Acids Ribosome mRNA Codon Anticodon

11 20 Different Amino Acids

12 Genetic Code:

13 Genetic Code: different version of the previous chart To Read: Start inward and work to the outside

14 18 amino acids in the protein, Keratin


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