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Repaso: Present perfect indicative

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1 Repaso: Present perfect indicative
Preview Present perfect indicative Grammar Guys

2 Present perfect indicative
To form the present perfect indicative, use the present tense of the helping verb haber followed by the past participle of the main verb. yo he hablado nosotros(as) hemos hablado has hablado vosotros(as) habéis hablado Ud., él, ella ha hablado Uds., ellos, ellas han hablado

3 Present perfect indicative
To form the present perfect indicative, use the present tense of the helping verb haber followed by the past participle of the main verb. If the stem of an -er or -ir verb ends in a vowel other than u, place an accent on the i in -ido. leer leído traer traído

4 Present perfect indicative
The present perfect indicative is used to say what has or hasn’t happened in a period of time up to the present or to talk about something that happened very recently. Use the present perfect indicative in Spanish when you would use the auxiliary verb “have” in English. No he hablado con tu suegra todavía. I haven’t spoken with your mother-in-law yet.

5 Present perfect indicative
Use the preterite for past actions that are viewed as over and not connected to the present. Hablé con tu suegra ayer. I spoke with your mother-in-law yesterday.

6 Present perfect indicative
When an object pronoun is used with the present perfect indicative, it should always go before the conjugated form of haber. Unlike the present progressive, a pronoun cannot be attached to the participle. Florencia nos ha contado las buenas noticias. Me han invitado a la boda.

7 Grammar Guys: Present perfect indicative
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