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Se + (present tense verb) + noun The verb must agree with the noun. Only conjugate the verb in él/ella or ellos ellas forms. Se habla español aquí. Spanish.

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Presentation on theme: "Se + (present tense verb) + noun The verb must agree with the noun. Only conjugate the verb in él/ella or ellos ellas forms. Se habla español aquí. Spanish."— Presentation transcript:


2 Se + (present tense verb) + noun The verb must agree with the noun. Only conjugate the verb in él/ella or ellos ellas forms. Se habla español aquí. Spanish is spoken here. Se venden las camisas allí. Shirts are sold there.

3 If there is no noun these translations can be used: You, One, They, People Se puede hablar inglés aquí. You can speak English here. One can speak English here. They can speak English here. People can speak English here. Always use the singular form with infinitives

4 No se permite entrar sin zapatos. You cannot enter without shoes. En mi casa se come muy bien. In my house one eats very well. En esa tienda se venden los martillos. In that store they sell hammers.

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