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Patterns of Development  Patterns of development in writing refer to the particular strategy writers use to develop ideas.  Writers choose patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of Development  Patterns of development in writing refer to the particular strategy writers use to develop ideas.  Writers choose patterns."— Presentation transcript:


2 Patterns of Development  Patterns of development in writing refer to the particular strategy writers use to develop ideas.  Writers choose patterns based on their PURPOSE  Whether you are aware of it or not, you already use patterns of development to express yourself.

3 Today…  We will learn the different patterns of development, discuss how we already use them, practice using them, and identify other writers’ use of them.

4 Patterns of Development = Ways of Thinking, not writing  Rarely does a writer use just one pattern; instead, they blend many to achieve their purpose.

5 Re-thinking the Patterns  Who has been assigned a “Compare and Contrast” essay? A “Cause and Effect” essay?  These are unrealistic-the pattern does not determine your purpose, your purpose determines your pattern.

6 Purpose determines Pattern  The pattern (or more accurately, patterns) a writer uses is one of the “rhetorical moves” a writer has at their disposal, so as a writer, you want to choose the best pattern to accomplish your purpose.

7 The Patterns  Narration  Description  Process Analysis  Exemplification  Comparison and Contrast  Classification and Division  Definition  Cause and Effect

8 Narration: telling a story or recounting a series of events  What happened?  When did it happen?  Where did it happen?  I knew a girl who became pregnant as a result of being raped as a young girl. Because the situation was so traumatic for her, and because she was so young, she needed to work on healing herself. She was in no position to raise another human being at the same time....

9 Description: paints a picture of how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels  What does it look like?  What are its characteristics?  Words like ‘scrape’ and ‘vacuum’ are used to describe the procedure…

10 Process Analysis: explains how something works or how to do something  How does something work?  How do you do something?  How is something done?  What makes it happen?  Abortion laws very state by state. A girl who is considering abortion will first meet with her doctor. The doctor then will refer her to a counselor so she is able to discuss all her options.

11 Exemplification: provides a specific instance or series of examples of something  What are some typical cases or examples of it?  Rape, incest, genetic defects will affect quality of life...

12 Comparison and Contrast: juxtaposing two things to highlight their similarities and differences  How is it like other things?  How is it different from other things?  The right to obtain an abortion is much like the right to be put on birth control in the first place: It is a woman’s choice what to do with what goes on in her body.  Obtaining an abortion is different from going on birth control because the fetus has already formed. It is no longer solely about the woman.

13 Classification and Division: sorting material or ideas into major categories.  What are its part and types?  How can its parts or groups be separated? Combined?  Do its parts or types fit into a logical order?  Into what categories can its parts or types be organized in? There is abortion as a means of birth control, but then there is abortion for other reasons too: rape, incest, genetic defects, etc. Late-term abortion vs. First trimester

14 Definition: define the term  What is it?  How does it resemble others of its class?  How does it differ from others in its class?  What are its limits? Abortion is the brutal killing of an innocent fetus to serve the mother’s selfish interests. Abortion is a woman’s right to deliberately terminate a human pregnancy, most often performed to preserve the quality of life for the child.

15 Cause and Effect: examines the causal relationships between things or events—what things lead to a certain effect? What effects result from a specific cause?  Why did it happen?  What caused it?  What does it cause?  What are its effects?  How is it related to something else?  Choosing to terminate a pregnancy can have numerous effects on a woman’s emotional state.

16 Topics 1. Love 2. Abraham Lincoln 3. Bookbags 4. Chicago 5. Pepperoni and Mushroom Pizza 6. Frustration 7. Lindblom 8. Homework 9. CTA 10. Walgreens

17 Directions:  With your partner, write about your topic using the mode designated.

18 1. Exemplification

19 Process Analysis

20 Compare and Contrast

21 Narration

22 Classification & Division

23 Definition

24 Cause & Effect

25 Description

26 Reflection  Which patterns were the easiest?  Which were the most difficult?  What does this tell us about using the patterns of development?

27 Look at last night’s reading  Which patterns of development do you see?  What are the patterns being used to do to the argument overall?

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