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HONORS STUDY GUIDE KEY APRIL 12, 2016. VOCABULARY Cicero -__Roman philosopher and orator – wanted to give more support to the Senate Caesar - _Powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "HONORS STUDY GUIDE KEY APRIL 12, 2016. VOCABULARY Cicero -__Roman philosopher and orator – wanted to give more support to the Senate Caesar - _Powerful."— Presentation transcript:


2 VOCABULARY Cicero -__Roman philosopher and orator – wanted to give more support to the Senate Caesar - _Powerful Roman general who ended the republic/dictator & later killed by the Senate_ Octavian/Augustus - _Caesar’s adopted son, avenges Caesar’s death, later fights with Marc Antony for control of Rome and wins – becomes 1 st emperor of Rome ___ Marc Antony - Caesar’s former assistant, avenges Caesar’s death, rules for a while with Octavian, then aligns himself with Cleopatra and fights for power against Octavia – is defeated_ Galen - a Greek surgeon who studied the body – described the valves of the heart & difference between arteries and veins_

3 VOCABULARY Cement – a long lasting (hard & watertight) material - combining lime with volcanic rock & ash - Arches – because of its rounded shape it can support much more weight – allowed height/large space aqueduct - is a raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities – many remain today prophets – people who are said to receive messages from God to be taught to others monotheism - belief in one God Goths – a group of “barbarians” that the Romans paid to not attack – once payment stopped in AD 408 they attacked and destroyed Rome in 410 Synagogue – a Jewish house of worship Torah – the most sacred text of Judaism

4 CONCEPTS Early Hebrews: Abraham – The Hebrew Bible traces the Hebrews back to him. Told by God (according to the Hebrew Bible) to leave his home is Mesopotamia and journey west – to a new land Moses – Leads the Hebrews out of Egypt on the Exodus & receives the Ten Commandments Exodus – When Moses leads the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt back to Canaan Relationship to Christianity/Islam: Judaism helped shape monotheistic beliefs, Christians and Jews both have the Old Testament as a holy book & the first people to follow Islam believed they are descendent from Abraham (just as Hebrews)

5 CONCEPTS Christianity: Jesus – The Christian religion is based on the life and teachings of Jesus (the Messiah) Resurrection – Jesus’s rise from the dead three days after he was crucified Early spread of Christianity: Spread by Jesus’ disciples - at first spread mainly among the Jews (monotheistic) Early acceptance of Christianity by the Roman Empire: it was not accepted – it was outlawed and followers could be arrested and/or put to death. After Constantine (a Roman emperor) becomes Christian the bans are lifted

6 JULIUS CAESAR Julius Caesar/End of the Republic Rise to Power: a very powerful general. Conquered nearly all of Gaul between 58 – 50 BC. Won much support of the Roman people by speaking in the public forum. Also, his military success helped him in politics Relationship to Pompey & the Senate: Caesar ruled with Pompey and Crassus for about 10 years. In 50 BC Pomp’s allies in the Senate ordered Caesar to give up command in his armies so Pompey could rule alone – Caesar said NO and brought his army across the Rubicon River ( a big no no) thus starting a civil war. Pompey fled Italy. Pompey was defeated in Greece in 48 BC & later killed by orders of an Egyptian King. Caesar returned to Rome in 45 BC and made himself dictator for life Best known for: ending the republic of Rome Reason killed: The Senate feared Caesar’s power and was afraid he would make himself king.

7 FALL OF ROME Fall of Rome Reasons: size, corrupt government, disease/plague, bad leaders, lead poisoning, decline in morals, switch in religion, barbarian invasions, constant wars, decline in economy (taxes, unemployment) food shortages Fall of Eastern vs. Western Empire: The Eastern Empire grew in wealth and power despite the fact that the Western Empire fell

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