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Nutrition : The Study of What We Eat The food you eat and how your body uses the nutrients in the food. Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science1.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition : The Study of What We Eat The food you eat and how your body uses the nutrients in the food. Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition : The Study of What We Eat The food you eat and how your body uses the nutrients in the food. Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science1

2 Vocabulary  Nutrients – substances/chemicals found in food that keep your body in good work order.  Calories – units used to measure energy supplied by food or used by the body.  Nutrient Density - the amount of nutrients in a food relative to the number of calories.  Deficiency - When the body does not get enough nutrients. Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science2

3 Why we eat what we eat  Personal preference  Familiarity  Social Reasons  Values and beliefs  Availability  Temptation  Convenience  Economy(What we can afford)  Reward or consolation(Emotional eating) Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science3

4 4 Nutrients  Your body needs nutrients to:  Fuel your energy  Help you grow  Repair itself  Maintain basic bodily functions 4 Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

5 5 Balance is Key These three are the framework of ChooseMyPlate: Balance Calories  Enjoy your food but eat less  Avoid oversized portions  Stay active - exercise Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

6 6 The 6 Essential Nutrients  Water  Carbohydrates  Protein  Fat  Vitamins  Minerals 6 Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

7 7 Nutrient Deficiency  A nutritional deficiency occurs when your body doesn’t get enough nutrients over time  The best way to avoid a nutrient deficiency is to eat a well balanced diet 7 Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

8 Your Task II  Complete Nutrient Graphic organizer Using Nutrient chart and Text Book  Nutrition Puzzle Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science8

9 9 Water  Did you know?  1/2 to 3/4 of the human body consists of water!  Functions in the body:  Water carries nutrients to your cells and carries waste from your body  Regulates body temperature  Dissolves vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients  Lubricates joints Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

10 10 Carbohydrates  Two types of carbohydrates:  Complex carbohydrates  Simple carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and provide the body’s need for dietary fiber. Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

11 11 Complex Carbohydrates  Food sources:  Whole grain breads and cereals, pasta, vegetables, rice, tortillas and legumes  Function in the body:  An excellent source of energy for the body  Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber 11 Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

12 12 Proteins  Food sources:  Meat, fish, eggs, poultry, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds  Function in the body:  Provides energy  Help to build, maintain, and repair body tissues Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

13 13 Amino Acids  Two types of protein:  Complete proteins:  Contain all 9 essential amino acids  They are found in animal sources  Incomplete proteins:  Lack one or more of the essential amino acids  Found in plant sources 13 Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

14 14 Fats  Food sources:  Butter, vegetable oils, salad dressings, nuts and seeds, dairy products made with whole milk or cream, and meats  Function in the body:  Provide substances needed for growth and healthy skin  Enhance the taste and texture of food  Required to carry “fat-soluble” vitamins throughout the body  Provide energy Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

15 15 Vitamins  Food sources:  Fruits, vegetables, milk, whole-grain breads, cereals and legumes  Function in the body:  Help regulate the many chemical processes in the body  There are 13 different vitamins known to be required each day for good health Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

16 16 Minerals  Food sources:  Meats, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grains  Functions in the body:  The body depends on minerals for practically every process necessary for life  The body requires 16 minerals daily Mrs. Reed's Family and Consumer Science

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