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MEET THE TEACHER This is my 4 th year teaching first grade. I am originally from Florida and have lived there my whole life until now. I graduated from.

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2 MEET THE TEACHER This is my 4 th year teaching first grade. I am originally from Florida and have lived there my whole life until now. I graduated from the University of Florida with my bachelors and masters (special education). I have an amazing family that consists of my mom, dad, sister Renee, her husband DJ, and their dog Chopper. I love to spend time with my family, travel, read, and listen to music. I’m a big kid at heart and love Disney, Dr. Seuss, and all things whimsical.

3 OUR DAILY SCHEDULE 8:50-9:20 Morning Work 9:20-9:40 Calendar 9:40-10:00 Whole Group Reading 10:00-11:00 Reading Centers 11:00-11:45 Encore 12:01-12:31 Lunch 12:35-1:00 Lang. Arts 1:00-1:30 Math 1:30-1:45 Recess 1:50-2:45 Math Centers 2:45-3:30 Social Studies/ Science 3:30 Pack-up 3:40 Begin Dismissal

4 Encore Schedule Day 1- Music Day 2- Art Day 3- PE Day 4- Library/Guidance (extra library) Day 5- PE

5 Classroom Discipline Plan All children start their day on BLUE. After a warning (or two or three) students will be asked to flip their clip to GREEN. If the student requires more reminders or continues to break classroom rules – they will flip their clip to YELLOW – An email or note will be sent home. For severe infractions, such as hitting or talking during fire drill, or persistent misbehavior students will go to PINK and might have to fill out a think and write, visit with the principal or AP, receive a call home. Their behavior will be colored daily in their binders. They will have a morning color and afternoon color. If your child is on blue all day all week they will got to the treasure box on Friday. If they have received one green I will give them a treat on Friday. If I feel this behavior report is not working for your child, I will let you know and I will tailor a separate one to fit your child’s needs.

6 Attendance and Tardiness Please have your child at school on time. Students enter our room at 8:50 a.m. If your child is sick, absent, or going home early or a different way please contact the office or send in a note.

7 S.O.A.R. Safe - following rules, walking feet, hands and feet to yourselves Organized - prepared for school, know where supplies belong Attentive - listening, following directions, on- task Respectful - using manners, cleaning up and treating property correctly Students can earn SOAR tickets from their teacher, encore teachers, and in the cafeteria. Names are drawn daily- one for each grade.

8 Homework/Communication Read EVERY night for at least 20 minutes. Practice math facts. Will do monthly projects. Please check binders every night. Email me at Call or text at 954- 376-9201.

9 Lunch/Birthdays Join our class anytime for lunch (12:01- 12:31). Birthday celebrations will be held at lunch, please no peanuts or strawberries. When sending in lunch money, put it in your child’s binder in the front zipper. Invitations for birthdays will only be given out if ALL students are invited.

10 PTO Rep/ Volunteering Our PTO Rep is: Emma Hull Kaia’s mom If you would like to help out with planning things for our classroom let us know. I will be adding a volunteer sign up sheet on our website. You can donate, come into the classroom, be a mystery reader, or do at home work.

11 Scholastic Book Orders I will be sending home Scholastic Book order forms with your child each month. This is a great way to purchase books for your child to read. The more books you purchase for your child, the more bonus points AND free books our class gets! You can even order them online from our class ordering page and use your credit card! Our class code is L74XD.

12 Conference sign up sheet for November 3 rd will be on the website soon. I am also open to other days and times. Please join the Marshall Facebook page. There is a lot of great information on there.

13 Last Thoughts I strongly believe in communication and teamwork in regards to your child’s education. We have the same goals and working together best achieves those goals. Thank you so much for attending tonight and for your support! Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime!

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