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Essential Question: What is the value of grains in the diet, and how do you select, store, and prepare them?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What is the value of grains in the diet, and how do you select, store, and prepare them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: What is the value of grains in the diet, and how do you select, store, and prepare them?

2 All plants in the grass family are ___________________, sometimes called cereals. WHAT ARE GRAINS? Common grains in North America include wheat, _________, rice, oats, _________, barley, buckwheat, and millet. Grains produce many small, separate dry fruits called _____________. Grains are sometimes called ______________, as in wheat berries. grains corn rye kernels berries

3 Parts of a Grain Kernel ______________ The edible, outer layer of the kernel. ______________ The largest part of the kernel, is made of proteins and starches, and contains the plant’s food supply. ______________ The seed that grows into a new plant. ______________ Some grains are covered with this inedible outer coat, which is removed after harvesting. BranEndospermGerm Hull

4 proteins B Vitamins Iron and zinc

5 Before consumers can use them, all grains must be ________________. The type of processing affects a grain’s nutrient value. ________________ grain products are made of the ____________ kernel and so contain most of the original nutrients. Very often during processing, the _________ and ____________ are removed, leaving only the endosperm. As a result, most of the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and dietary ___________ are also removed. White flour and many _______________ cereals are made this way. According to federal law, some ______________ lost in processing must be replaced. This is called _____________________. Some grain products may be __________________ with such nutrients as ______________ to make them more nutritious. processed Wholeentire brangerm fiber breakfast nutrients enrichment fortified iron

6 Grains offer many dining options! Eat them plain Topped with vegetables, seasonings, and sauces Side dishes CasserolesSoups Stews Breakfast cereals Desserts

7 WHEAT Wheat is one of the ___________ food plants. _____________________ The entire wheat kernel, including bran and germ. ______________________ Wheat kernels that have been steamed, dried, and crushed. ____________________ Made from crushed wheat berries. oldest Wheat Berries Cracked Wheat Bulgar

8 Rice is the starchy ___________ of plants grown in flooded fields in warm climates. A common way to categorize rice is by grain ________________. Each type has a different purpose. ______________________ Shorter than long-grain rice, these grains are plump, _______________ and moist. ____________________ This is the most-used rice in the United States. When cooked, the grains are _____________ and they stay separated. RICE ______________________ These grains are almost round, and they have the highest ________________ content of the three types. seed length Long Grain fluffy Medium Grain tender Short Grain starch

9 Rice also varies in the way it’s processed: ●Enriched, or________________ rice is a favorite. The bran and germ are removed, leaving only the ________________________. ●Brown rice is the _____________-grain form of rice. Only the _____________ has been removed. It takes _______________ to cook than white rice and has a nutlike flavor and _____________ texture. ●Converted rice is ___________________ under pressure to save nutrients before the _________ is removed. It is enriched, and takes ______________ to cook than white rice. ●Instant rice is ____________________ and dehydrated before packaging. Although it takes only a few minutes to prepare, it is the _____________ nutritious. ●Wild rice ___________ actually rice; it’s the ___________ of a water grass. It is high in protein and dietary _____________. Because the supply is limited, it is very ____________________ and often sold combined with long-grain rice. White endosperm whole hull longer chewy steamed hull longer precooked least isn’t seed fiber expensive

10 How Its Made Rice

11 As far back as _________B.C., people were raising corn in Central America. _____________________ Is the dried kernel with the hull and germ removed. ______________________ Coarsely ground hominy. ____________________ Used in many recipes, this comes from ground, dried, corn kernels. ______________________ Fine flour made from the ground endosperm of the corn kernel., used as a thickening agent in sauces and fillings. CORN 3500 HominyGrits Cornmeal Cornstarch

12 Most of the oat grain produced in the world feeds ______________. A small potion is used by humans. Oats are usually eaten as a hot breakfast ____________ or used in _____________ goods. Even though oats are processed, they contain considerable nutrients and dietary ___________. _____________- cooking types are available. OATS animals cereal baked fiberQuick

13 ___________________ Tiny round seeds, once the staple crop of the ancient Aztecs. It can be used as a hot cereal or side dish or in puddings. OTHER GRAINS - 1 ___________________ Mild flavored, chewy grain, usually used in soups and stews. ___________________ Commonly ground into flour or crushed and used as breakfast cereal. ___________________ Steamed, cracked endosperm of durum wheat, with a flavor similar to pasta. Used as a cereal, in salads and main dishes, or sweetened for dessert. Amaranth Barley Buckwheat Couscous

14 Barley Buckwheat Couscous

15 ___________________ Roasted buckwheat that is hulled and crushed. Used in the U.S. as a breakfast cereal or side dish. OTHER GRAINS - 2 ___________________ Small, yellow grains with a mild flavor. Used in breads and as a breakfast cereal or side dish. ___________________ Small, ivory-colored, rice-like grain that was a staple of the Incas. Popular in South American cuisines. Contains more protein than any other grain. Used as a side dish and in soups, puddings, and salads. ___________________ Dark, with a hearty flavor. Common in Northern Europe, this is used in breads and crackers. KashaMillet QuinoaRye

16 Kasha Quinoa Rye

17 ___________________ With a mellow, nutty flavor, this was used for thousands of years in southern Europe. It is tolerated by people with wheat allergies. Spelt flour can be substituted for wheat flour in baking, and is available in natural foods stores. OTHER GRAINS - 3 ___________________ Tiny grains with mild, nutty flavor; brown and white varieties. Used as a cooked cereal and in puddings. ___________________ A cross between wheat and rye, this can be used in cereals and main dishes, and combined with other cooked grains. Spelt Teff Triticale

18 Spelt Teff

19 Convenience Forms of Grains Breakfast Cereals Oats and other cereals that require cooking come in _______________, quick-cooking, and _____________ forms. Ready-to-eat cereals include puffed, rolled, ____________, granulated, and shredded types. Dry breakfast cereals are ready to _______ out of the container; other types need _______________. eat cooking flakes regular instant

20 How Its Made- Cereal

21 Breads Whole Wheat means that the product is made from the _____________ grain. Wheat, however, just means white __________. ________________, like tortillas, are unleavened, or made without leavenings. ____________ bread is a flatbread that splits horizontally, forming a pocket to fill with foods. _______________ bread is made with a leavening agent, such as ___________ or baking powder. Don’t be misled by words like multigrain, cracked wheat, or _____________ on a label. Unless the label lists _________ wheat or another whole grain first, the bread is made mostly of white flour. Leavened yeast Flatbreads Pita whole flour 7-grainwhole

22 How Its Made- Bread

23 Buying and Storing Grains Most grain products are sold in packages or in _________. When you buy grains, keep ______________ in mind and choose __________-grain products as often as possible. Read the ___________ carefully to be sure you are getting the product you want. Whole-grain kernels should be ____________ and uniform in size and color, and ______________ should not be cracked or broken. __________________ fresh pasta, whole grains, and whole-grain products. Because whole-grain products contain _______, they can spoil at room temperature. Store other _____________ grains and grain products, such as white rice and dried pasta, in a _________, dry place in ________________ covered containers. Breads may be stored short-term at ___________ temperature or in the ______________ for longer periods of time. Refrigerate _________ grains if you plan to use them within a few _______, or freeze them for longer storage. bulk nutrition whole label plump pasta Refrigerate oil uncooked cool tightly room freezer cooked days

24 Preparing Grains When you heat a grain in water, the molecules start moving, the chemical bonds _____________, and the tight layers loosen. This enables ___________ to enter the starch, causing it to swell to a __________ size and become softer. Cooking Pasta Pasta is one of the few foods that must be ________________. Choose a pot that’s large enough to keep the water from __________________ over. Boiling helps circulate the pasta for even cooking and prevents pieces from __________________ together. Dried Pasta Yields Type of PastaDry Weight/VolumeCooked Yield (approximate) Small Pasta Shapes: Macaroni, shells, spirals 4 ounces/1 cup2 ½ cups Long, Slender Pasta Strands: spaghetti, Angel hair, vermicelli 4 ounces/1-inch- diameter bunch 2 cups breakwater larger boiled boiling sticking

25 Pasta Shapes

26 How Its Made- Pasta

27 Steps for cooking pasta: 1.Boil the water first. 2.Then add the pasta __________ so the water continues to boil. If boiling stops, the pasta will __________ together. 3._________ the pasta occasionally as it cooks. 4.Don’t add _______ to the cooking water. Oil forms a slippery pasta surface that keeps the sauce from clinging to it. 5.Dried pasta is generally cooked to a doneness stage known as _____________________, or firm to the bite. Cooking time varies from 5 – 20 minutes, depending on the pasta’s _______________. 6. If the pasta will be added to a dish for more cooking (as in lasagna) _____________ the boiling time to keep the pasta slightly __________. 7.Fresh pasta cooks ___________ than dried pasta. 8.After cooking, _______________ the pasta in a colander or strainer. You can freeze leftover ____________ pasta by itself, but it freezes best with a __________________. slowly stick Stir oil al dente thickness reduce firmer quicker drain cooked sauce

28 Cooking Rice White rice and brown rice are cooked in the same way, although brown rice needs more ___________ and a ___________ cooking time. Steps for cooking rice: 1.Bring the liquid to a ______________. 2.Add the rice, _______________, and bring to a boil again. 3.Then ______________ the heat so the rice simmers gently. 4.Keep covered, and stir the rice as ___________ as possible, as stirring scrapes off the starch and makes the rice __________________. 5.Near the end of the cooking time, check the rice for doneness. It should be _________________ and tender but firm., with ______ liquid left in the pot. 6.If undercooked, rice is _______________ and gritty. Overcooked rice is soft and ________________________. waterlonger boil cover reduce little sticky moist no hard sticky

29 Cooking Other Grains Barley, grits, kasha, and many other grains are cooked in much the same way as _________________. Steps for cooking other grains: 1.For most grains, __________ the water. 2.Add the grain, _____________, and bring to a boil again. 3.Reduce the heat so the grain simmers ________________. 4.The cooking can vary from 20 – 45 minutes, depending on the type of _____________. 5.Stir grains occasionally to keep them from sticking, lumping, or scorching. If you _______________them, they turn gummy and pasty. rice boil cover gently grain over stir Barley Soup Kasha with Vegetables Grits

30 Preparing Convenience Forms of Grains Instant forms of grains take ___________ time to cook than regular forms, and they can be served in the same ways. Breakfast Cereals: 1.Dry cereals are _________________ to eat. 2.To prepare instant forms of hot cereals, follow the __________________ directions. less ready package

31 The End

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