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RM test. A builder, leaning out of a van, shouts ‘nice legs!’ to a nurse cycling by. The same nurse arrives at work, and casually mentions this to a senior.

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Presentation on theme: "RM test. A builder, leaning out of a van, shouts ‘nice legs!’ to a nurse cycling by. The same nurse arrives at work, and casually mentions this to a senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 RM test

2 A builder, leaning out of a van, shouts ‘nice legs!’ to a nurse cycling by. The same nurse arrives at work, and casually mentions this to a senior doctor. The doctor said, ‘I’d never say that.’ The doctor has two grown up children who are 22 and 30. They get on very well. One is a sergeant in the army; the other is training to be a hairdresser. The doctor divorced last year, and is currently dating someone.

3 What is sex? What is gender? Is gender determined by nature or by nurture? Gender

4 Sex: This describes the biological characteristics of a person, so the terms male and female refer to Sex Gender: This refers to the psychological characteristics associated with being male and female, so the terms masculine and feminine refer to gender

5 Gender identity: This is the child or adult’s awareness of being male or female Gender role: A set of expectations that dictate how men and women (and girls and boys) should act, think and feel

6 How is the gender role of girls and boys different with regard to play? How is the gender role of men and women different with regard to expression of emotion? How have gender roles changed over time? Gender role

7 “When the baby comes out, even the people who love you the most and know you so intimately, the first question they ask is, ‘Is it a girl or a boy?’” says Witterick, bouncing Storm, dressed in a red-fleece jumper, on her lap at the kitchen table. Jazz — soft-spoken, with a slight frame and curious brown eyes — keeps his hair long, preferring to wear it in three braids, two in the front and one in the back, even though both his parents have close- cropped hair. His favourite colour is pink, although his parents don’t own a piece of pink clothing between them. He loves to paint his fingernails and wears a sparkly pink stud in one ear, despite the fact his parents wear no nail polish or jewelry. Kio keeps his curly blond hair just below his chin. The 2-year-old loves purple, although he’s happiest in any kind of pyjama pants.

8 Is gender determined by nature or nurture? What do you think and why? What sort of evidence may help us answer this question? Nature vs. Nurture

9 Are there real differences between men and women? Does gender matter? Read article. Are there any positive aspects to being gender neutral? Are there any negative aspects to being gender neutral?

10 Case study Couple raise child as 'gender neutral' to avoid stereotyping A couple who raised their child as "gender neutral" for five years so the infant's "real personality” Beck Laxton, 46, and partner Kieran Cooper, 44, decided not to reveal baby Sasha's gender to the world so he would not be influenced by society's prejudices and preconceptions. They referred to their child as "The Infant" and only allowed him to play with "gender-neutral toys" in their television-free home. For the first five years of his life Sasha alternated between girls' and boys' outfits, leaving friends, playmates and relatives guessing.

11 Case study

12 The role of genes and hormones in gender development How do genes and hormones explain sex? How do genes and hormones explain gender development?

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