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Taking good care of ourselves by using proper hygiene care.

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1 Taking good care of ourselves by using proper hygiene care.
Personal Hygiene Taking good care of ourselves by using proper hygiene care.

2 Hygiene Hygiene: (noun) conditions or practices conductive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

3 How to be Hygienic Shower daily Choose a daily face cleanser
Brush your teeth every morning and night Wear deodorant Wash your clothes after wearing them Trim your hair every 4-8 weeks Clip your fingernails and toenails regularly

4 Shower Daily This is the best way to get rid of any dirt, sweat, and/or germs you have accumulated throughout the day. Use a loofah, sponge, or hand towel to gently scrub your entire body, removing dead skin cells and dirt. Remember to replace these items regularly because they can easily harbor bacteria. If you don’t want to wash your hair everyday, then invest in a shower cap and wash your body with soap and water. If you don’t have time to shower, then use a hand towel and wash your face and under arms with soap and water. A plus to showering daily makes you look, feel and smell your best throughout the day.

5 Choose a Daily Face Cleanser
Remember the skin on your face is more sensitive than other parts of your body. You can either use it in the shower or in the sink. Take your skin type into account when you are choosing a face cleanser, if you have dry skin stay away from products that contain high alcohol content, this will dry your skin out more. If you have very sensitive skin, opt for hypo-allergenic products that contain less harsh chemicals. If you wear makeup, find a cleanser that removes makeup as well, if you don’t want to use that make sure you buy a makeup remover to remove all makeup at end of day.

6 Brush your Teeth Brush your teeth every morning and night, regular tooth brushing helps prevent gum disease. It is especially important to brush your teeth after eating sweets and acidic foods that cause tooth erosion. Floss your teeth every night to prevent the gum disease gingivitis. If you want to keep your gums extra strong carry around a travel toothbrush and toothpaste and brush in-between meals.

7 Wear Deodorant Antiperspirant helps control excessive sweat, while deodorant covers up unpleasant body odor caused by sweat. If you choose to not wear deodorant on a daily basis, then consider wearing it on days that you will be sweating excessively, or for special events. If you don’t wear deodorant then you should wash your under arms throughout the day with soap and water to remove unpleasant odor.

8 Wash your Clothes In general all shirts should be washed after every use, while pants and shorts can be worn a few times before they require washing. Remove any stains on your clothes before wearing them. Iron out wrinkles, and use a lint roller to remove any unwanted hair and lint.

9 Trim your Hair Trim your hair every 4-8 weeks.
Whether you’re trying to grow your hair out or you like the short look, trimming it will keep your hair healthy, get rid of split ends, and give an overall cleaner, healthier appearance.

10 Clip your Fingernails & Toenails
You should clip them regularly to prevent hang nails, breakage, and other potential damage to your nails. Keeping them short or long are your preference in what you do with your hands all day. The main thing is cleaning underneath your nails to get out any dirt, this will prevent bacteria and infections.

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