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Presentation on theme: "HOW DOES THE NEED FOR NUTRIENTS CHANGE THROUGHOUT LIFE?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Pregnancy &Lactation  Infancy  Toddler/ Early Childhood  Preschoolers  School- Age Children  Adolescents  Adults  Elderly

3 During pregnancy, there are certain nutrients that are needed in large amounts, these are as follows;  Folic Acid (vitamin B9), iron, calcium and protein During lactation, in an effort to produce enough breast milk for the infant, the mother should have at least 3 - 4 quarts or liters of fluids such as;  Water, fruit juice, soups and milk.

4  During pregnancy, if the mother does not have sufficient intake of iron rich foods, the baby will extract it’s need for iron from the mothers liver. This will result in a deficiency known as IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA. Foods such as dark green and leafy vegetables are rich sources of both FOLATE & IRON.  The infant can sustain it’s need for iron up the first 6 months after birth, because it has it’s own reserve of iron in it’s liver

5  CAN YOU IDENTIFY ANY STAGE IN THE LIFE CYCLE?  Can you recall that 1 thing that is needed in large amounts, during lactation and why?, see pages 82-83  Why shouldn’t pregnant women take supplements without consulting their doctors? See page 82  How can you supplement an infants need for iron after 6 months old?

6  See page 83  Examine the passage  List the nutrients that the infant need  Say why each is important  Take your completed work to me

7  Breast milk immunizes the baby for the first few months of life because it contains a substance called COLOSTRUM  Breast milk protects the baby from developing allergies  Breast milk is at the right temperature  There is no waste  There are no expenses  Breast milk helps with the brain development of the baby  Breast milk is easily digested by the baby  Breast milk has nutrients the baby needs in the right amount.  It fights against infections.

8  Begin at 4-6 months  Introduce single fiber cereals such as rice cereal  Pureed vegetables and fruits  Strained meats & poultry  Introduce one food at a time in small amounts  Serve the same food several times in a row.

9 Growth of kids 2 – 6 yrs. old, is slower than the period of infancy, BUT still rapid. Nutrient need differs from child to child so, the diet should provide enough calories for NORMAL growth. Food choices MUST include good sources of;  IRON  PROTEIN  CALCIUM  VITAMINS

10  Make meals appealing  Include all 6 food groups  Serve small portions  Use bright colors  Avoid spicy foods  Serve finger foods  Make meals attractive



13  Breakfast should supply ¼ of the TOTAL NUTRIENTS needed daily.  Lunch & dinner should supply about 1/3 of the nutrients needed  Snacks can provide additional nutrients  Select foods from the food groups, protein (milk & dairy products), carbohydrates,fat, fruits, water & vegetables


15 Next to infancy, adolescence is the 2 nd most rapid period of growth, hence all adolescents experience “GROWTH SPURT”. This results in an increased need for almost ALL nutrients. Many teens don’t get enough ;  CALCIUM  IRON  VITAMIN A  VITAMIN C

16 Teens assume more responsibility for their life, including their FOOD CHOICES. Developing food skills & fitness habits during the period of “ adolescence” will help to set the stage for a healthy lifestyle.  Eat foods rich in iron together with foods rich in Vitamin C to help with the proper absorption of iron, prunes with orange juice  Include much calcium for the growth & maintenance of bones & teeth  Iron rich foods prevent IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA

17 Energy needs decrease as people become older. If adults are active then they can consume more calories, remember the expression when input = out put then weight gain will not increase.  Adults still need all the nutrients  They can choose low- fat, low- calorie/ high fiber foods, whole wheat & grain  They should continue to get regular exercise

18  With maturity, the body's’ thirst signal declines  All nutrients are still required but in smaller portions  Lifestyle choices can cause health problems at this stage ???????? DISCUSS  Living conditions may impact health and may lead to problems that can create nutritional risks  Communities & social service programs can help to alleviate these problems  Available income & health can also effect the nutritional well being of the people in this stage of the nutritional life cycle.

19 The Four MAIN Types of Vegetarians The vegan This is the most restrictive type of vegetarian diet. Vegans not only eliminate all animal-based foods but avoid dairy products of all types as well as eggs. While generally considered to be a healthy diet in terms of preventing disease, it takes planning to get enough protein, iron, and calcium on a vegan diet, although it’s not impossible. Many people start out with less restrictive form of vegetarianism and gradually progress to a vegan diet over time.ironcalcium


21 People who adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet abstain from all meat products, including eggs, but continue to eat dairy products. The advantage to this form of vegetarianism is you’re less likely to develop a calcium deficiency due to the inclusion of calcium rich milk products


23 Lacto- ovo vegetarians avoid all meat but allow themselves to eat both dairy products and eggs. The inclusion of eggs and milk makes it easier to maintain calcium and protein levels and is, in general, an easier form of vegetarianism to adapt to, particularly if you eat out a great deal


25 One of the least restrictive forms of vegetarianism is the pescatarian lifestyle where you avoid all meat products with the exception of fish. Many people don’t consider pescatarians to be true vegetarians since they allow themselves to eat seafood. They also consume dairy products and eggs.pescatarian



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