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Presentation on theme: "KNIGHTS, WEAPONS, AND MILITARY"— Presentation transcript:

By Brooke R, Matt K, Ethan K

2 What the knights weapons are
The flail was a wooden stick with a spiked medal ball connected on a chain to the wooden stick. The poleaxe was a long wooden stick that comes to a point with a curved medal axe attached to the top.

3 The 4 steps to becoming a knight
1 you have to become a page at a palace at the age of 7. 2 you have to become a squire at the age of 13 at this point you’re an apprentice to a knight. 3 when your master thinks your ready to be a knight there is a ceremony. 4 then you take an oath.

4 The way knights got their status
Medieval knights held weapons according to their status and position which was determined by the Feudal system

5 Medieval weapons the knights used broadswords, bastardswords, great swords, flails, poleaxes, short swords, long swords. Middle age weapons included: battleaxes, maces, catapults, cross bows, bows, spears, war hammer.

6 Fast facts 1 The knights templar is similar to the crusades.
The knights wore chainmail and used a sword and shield while in the chainmail.

7 Fast Facts 2 Women could become knights.
It was very expensive to be a knight, the horse alone cost more than a small airplane.

8 Fast Facts 3 When you became a knight it was a federal agreement.
Knights could pay shield money to there lord instead of military service. They got shield money by doing deeds for the king.

9 Military In medieval times there was ether 26 battles or war

10 The coat of arms The coat of arms were pretty much the id of the knights lords. The designs would indicate whom the knight belonged to.

11 Chivalry It was a code the knights had to abide by.
Knights had to protect the weak, be curdies to all women, be loyal to the king, and serve god at times.

12 Top 4 Battles in Medieval Times
The crusades The hundred years of war between England and France The Norman conquest The war of the roses

13 The crusades The crusades were fought against the Muslims.
The crusades were fought in nine trips. They were fought for Christianity.

14 Work Sites -ages.html

15 Review List the 5 swords. What were the Crusades?
How many crusade trips were made? Could a women become a knight? What 4 steps did you have to do to become a knight?


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