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American Civil War. Civil War Tech - Rifles and Minie Balls Minie Ball was developed in France by Claude Minié in 1849 to take advantage of improved rifled.

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Presentation on theme: "American Civil War. Civil War Tech - Rifles and Minie Balls Minie Ball was developed in France by Claude Minié in 1849 to take advantage of improved rifled."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Civil War

2 Civil War Tech - Rifles and Minie Balls Minie Ball was developed in France by Claude Minié in 1849 to take advantage of improved rifled weapons Ammunition was much more accurate over a longer distance, roughly 600 yards (1/3 of a mile). Think Nerf gun vs. paper wad IMPACT = When combined with outdated tactics creates much higher death tolls and much worse wounds than previous wars

3 Civil War Tech - Railroads First railroads in the US appear in the 1820’s with the Industrial Revolution By 1861, the North possessed 22, 000 miles of railroads compared to 9,500 miles in the South. IMPACT = Faster supply and troop movement over longer distances.

4 Civil War Tech - Telegraph Samuel Morse develops technology to send messages by using electric pulses in short bursts and long bursts. Allows people to send messages instantly across large distances. IMPACT= Better communication between leaders and armies in the war, also better newspaper reporting

5 Morse Code Activity.-..-.. -....-. /.--..-... -...

6 First Shots of the Civil War, 1861

7 II. Advantages NORTH SOUTH  13 million MORE people than the South  Industrial powerhouse  Railroads  Navy Home court Strong military leaders Fighting for way of life Defensive war, just DO NOT LOSE

8 III. Disadvantages NORTH Capital city in MD (caught between 2 sides) Union generals were inexperienced – Ulysses Grant & William Sherman SOUTH No industry or war production No strong central government Dependent on foreign trade for supply and money

9 Northern Strategy for the War Anaconda Plan Use superior navy to close ports and prevent trade Take Mississippi River and cut South in half Take Southern Capital

10 Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union His goal was to make the Confederacy rejoin the Union Ending slavery will not be a goal of Lincoln until 1863

11 Southern Strategy  Remain separate from the Union  Force North to give up fighting the war  Get European support

12 The Course of the War Early in the war (1861-1862), the South will win many victories, mostly due to superior leadership. By 1863, defeats at Vicksburg and Gettysburg will mark the turning point in the war. The Union’s superior industrial base and larger armies will slowly defeat the Confederacy. Lee will surrender to Grant on April 11, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia

13 Women in the War Some women dressed as men and fought Most women took over farms, plantations, and stores while men were at war. 3000 women, like Clara Barton, will join the Union army as nurses.

14 African Americans in the War Slaves supported South by working on plantations, supplying food, and freeing white men to fight. Escaped slaves were used by the North as laborers to build forts and drive wagons of supplies.

15 After the Emancipation Proclamation, many African Americans joined the Union army. Eventually 180,000 African Americans will serve in the Union Army.

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