Procedures Anthony Oliver Science 2013/2014 You are a collection of your choices!

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Presentation on theme: "Procedures Anthony Oliver Science 2013/2014 You are a collection of your choices!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedures Anthony Oliver Science 2013/2014 You are a collection of your choices!

2 Why Do I Expect You To Follow These Procedures? The world is full of rules, such as the direction of traffic. When people break the rules, it can hurt people who were doing nothing wrong. No one should have bad things happen to them through no fault of their own. If you want to be successful in life, you must learn to follow rules.

3 When you come to class Take your assigned seat. Get your materials out. Work on the bell-ringer activity while I call roll.

4 When you are missing materials. Writing Utensil – You may borrow one from me as long as you provide collateral. Acceptable collateral will be anything that I deem to have value. You will receive your collateral back as long as I get my utensil back. Paper – You may use any paper that I have in the community stack. You do not have to ask for this. If there is no paper there, then you need to rely on the kindness of your classmates or you will lose bucks from your planner.

5 Arriving Late/Being Tardy If you have an excuse, you must present it to me as soon as you walk into the door. Otherwise, being tardy is detention.

6 Electronic Devices You may use them for specific assignments such as: Test (Socrative App) Reviews (Quizlet App) Educational websites as directed by myself. These are the only situations or times that you will be allowed to use these devices.

7 Dismissing Class The bell does not dismiss class, I do. You are not to leave class until I say you are dismissed. If you attempt to leave early, you will be sequestered in my room even longer. I will make my final announcements and reminders, then dismiss you.

8 How to ask a question If you have a question that is relevant to our lesson or happenings in the world of science, raise your hand and I will address your question. If your question is off topic, it may result in your losing bucks. If I cannot answer your question, and trust me, that will happen frequently, we will put it on the board for me to research at a later time.

9 Class Discussions These are very important to the learning environment. We must listen to others in the classroom. Interruptions to the class room discussions will may result in losing bucks.

10 To be more organized... Only have materials on your desk that is relevant to the activity at hand. Remove all other clutter from your desk. In labs, you need to have everything off your lab desk except for notebooks, handouts, lab equipment, and lab materials.

11 If you do not understand Ask questions Restate what you understand Ask specific questions about the problems that you have If we still have a failure to communicate, see me after class.

12 Times to stop all talking When I say, 'Listen up” When I announce that we have a visitor When announcements are being made When the tardy bell rings When the bell to end class rings

13 Returning from an absence It is up to you to get all materials that you missed for being out. These materials will be on the school website. Go to school staff and locate my name, then you will read the assignment for that date, locate the appropriate files, and finish the work. The ability to make up work for credit will be determined by our handbook. If you miss extended time, more than three days, you will need to see me before or after class.

14 Working cooperatively You will be expected to work in groups with other students in class. This is to help you later in life by providing experience in dealing with different personalities. Do not ask to work with your friends. Groups will be assigned at random. If you have a problem with someone in your group, you are expected to make a reasonable attempt to work out your problem. If you make attempts, then I will help you out.

15 Going to the bathroom You may ask for permission to go to the bathroom. This will cost you a bathroom pass from your planner. I would suggest to go to the bathroom between classes.

16 When turning in papers Name, class, and date go in the upper right hand corner. You are to follow the directions given on how to turn in all assignments, as they may differ. If you turn in a paper without a name on it, you will receive a zero. If you turn in a paper without a name on it, you will receive a zero

17 Getting Papers/Materials I will give out materials. If assistance is needed, I will appoint someone to help. When we are gathering materials for labs or other assignments, one person from each group will be in charge of this job. Pick them wisely, points can be deducted for not following directions.

18 Drills At the beginning of each month, we will go over what to do in case of an emergency. Remember, in a tornado drill or warning, carry a book with you so that you can cover your head. No talking during any drills, warnings, or other situations.

19 Visitors to the classroom You are to be as quiet as possible, even if working in labs or groups. Visitors are anyone that is not part of the regular class. Failure to do so will result in consequences being taken against the offending party.

20 Using appropriate language You are to use language to communicate with your fellow students and teachers that is respectful and appropriate. I do not want you to use slang. Use words that express your feelings without being ugly. Two words that are not allowed in my room is suck and ain't.

21 If you suddenly become ill Please find the nearest waste basket. If you can control it, please come to me so that I can excuse you. Take responsibility for how you feel and communicate that when suitable.

22 Respect the cafeteria. Get everything you need before you sit down for lunch. You will not be allowed to get back up. If you need to leave at lunch, you must first come tell me. I will dismiss you from the cafeteria once your table is completely clean. I’ll assign 2 table washers each 9 weeks. There is an “IN” door and an “OUT” door. I’ll show you which is which.


24 Being Proper Words that you need to use: Please Thank you Yes or no sir

25 In closing I will never ask you to do something that I, myself, would not do. I will always treat you fairly. I will always believe in you. You will get chances for redemption. The choices that you make now will shape the rest of your life. You can choose to take control of your life, or let life control you.

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