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CP Biology Mrs. Boulougouras Website: Telephone: 781 821-5050 x 2607.

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Presentation on theme: "CP Biology Mrs. Boulougouras Website: Telephone: 781 821-5050 x 2607."— Presentation transcript:

1 CP Biology Mrs. Boulougouras Email: Website: Telephone: 781 821-5050 x 2607 Twitter: @BoulouBiology

2 General Rules:  Treat everyone with respect at all times.  Refrain from talking while your teachers or peers are talking.  Food and beverages are prohibited except water.  iPods and cell phones are prohibited before, during, and after class*.  Stay out of the lab area unless a lab is being performed.

3 Daily Materials: 3 ring-binder (dividers are suggested) Pen (black or blue) or pencil (test days) Colored Pencils Homework Textbook (only when previously told)

4 Grading:

5 Tardiness: When the bell rings:  You should be in your own seat.  Materials should be on desk.  You should be ready to learn. * 3 STRIKES AND YOU ARE OUT! (2 warnings, followed by a 30 minute detention after school.)

6 Attendance:  When absent, you must find out what work was missed and make up all work on time.  Makeup time follows the school guidelines. (Refer to the student handbook for school makeup policy.)  Makeup work will not be accepted for unexcused absences.

7 Homework:  Homework is assigned multiple times per 7-day cycle.  Homework is always written on the board…and on Twitter @BoulouBiology  Homework must be completed on time to receive credit.  If no homework is assigned, you should read and review your textbook and notes.

8 Labs:  Students must not be in the lab area unless a lab is being performed.  During lab, directions must be followed at all times and disruptive behavior will be cause for immediate removal from class.  Laboratory reports/assignments: Points will be deducted for late lab reports.

9 Tests and Quizzes:  Tests consist of multiple choice questions, short answers or essays, and analysis of figures or data.  No retakes.  Missed tests must be made up within the time allowed under the school policy. (Refer to the student handbook for school makeup policy.)  Unexcused absences = No make-up test.

10 MCAS  All students are required to pass MCAS in one branch of science to graduate high school.  You will take the biology MCAS at the end of this school year during the first week of June.  Practice MCAS questions will be discussed during each unit throughout the year.  Practice MCAS quizzes and tests will count toward your class grade.

11 School Make-ups Policy: (From student handbook) # of days absent + 1 extra  Example:  You miss 3 days of school due to absence.  You get 4 days (3 day plus 1 extra) to make up your work.

12 Plagiarism:  All work must be in your own words or will be given a zero.  Sources of plagiarism include: copying from the textbook or a lab handout writing answers identical to your lab partner’s cutting and pasting from the internet

13 Extra Help:  Drop in extra help is available!  Test review sessions may be offered and will be announced during the year.  If you are struggling in class, please see me before you fall behind.

14 Tell Me About Yourself! ① What do you plan on doing after high school? ① If you want to go to college, list which school is your top choice. ② What is your favorite TV show? ③ What does the word “organic” mean in biology and chemistry terms? ④ Do you have internet at home? ⑤ Do you have a smartphone?

15 Homework #1:  Follow me on Twitter @BoulouBiology  Reread the course expectations sheet on your own.  Print and sign your name on student responsibilities signature page showing that you accept the responsibilities stated.  Show the syllabus to your parents/guardians and have it signed.

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