Ansel Adams By: Brendan Macpherson Picture of Ansel
Background Information Ansel was an only child Born on Febuary 20th, 1902 Onl recieved an 8th- grade education A family trip to Yosemite National Park in 1916 was where he took first amateur photos
His Contribution to the Art World Ansel is famous for many photos such as Moon and Half Dome, Tetons and Snake River and much more! Ansel made americans realize through his photograpy, how beautiful the southern parts of a america is He also made americans aware that they had to preserve the beautiful land they live on Moon and Half Dome
What is Ansel Known For? He is known for his landscaping pictures He is also known for taking his photos in black and white
Yosemight Valley, Thunderstorm
Tetons and Snake River
Golden Gate Before the Bridge
Jeffrey Pine
Moonrise Hernandez
The End