Social Europe "More women in the workforce – making sense for business and the economy" Wallis Goelen, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Dublin.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Europe "More women in the workforce – making sense for business and the economy" Wallis Goelen, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Dublin 29 th & 30 th April 2013

Social Europe Women are still under-represented in the European workforce Over-represention in part-time jobs 32% for women vs 9% for men in 2011 More transitions towards inactivity Women have a higher transition rate to inactivity than men both for short and long-term unemployment. 21 % of short-term unemployed women are inac­tive one year later compared to only 12 % of men 29 % of long-term unemployed women are inactive one year later, compared to 18 % of men. Horizontal and vertical segregation despite their skills Long-term unemployed women are more often high skilled than men : 19.1 % vs. 9.5 % in 2011). Women concentrate across relatively limited number of occupation and despite increasing education level they are still underrepresented in decision making decisions. However The differences in employment rates reduce as the education level rises: from 20.3 p.p. with low level to 7 p.p. with high level of education

Social Europe Cost of childcare The reduction of benefits The taxes to be paid resulting of the increase in gains A lower labour participation due to financial disincentives The combination of these parameters might hamper the expected income gain due to job take up. Expected earnings from labour market participation The pay gap is still of 16,2% in 2011

Social Europe Women are a huge untapped workforce potential to boost european economy Ageing population and decreasing fertility Work force and skills shortage  OECD has shown that a 50% decrease in the gender gap in labour force participation rates will lead to an increase in the GDP per capita annual growth rate of 0.3 p.p. Women are a skilled workforce potential  60% of university graduates are female  Paying women and men for their actual skills and valuing their contribution on an equal basis lead to the recruitment and retention of the best and most talented staff.

Social Europe The European Commission addresses these challenges in its political agenda  2020 strategy Although there is no definit target, it is explicitly stated that… …The employment rate of the population aged should increase (…) to at least 75%, including through the greater involvement of women

Social Europe The European Commission addresses these challenges in its political agenda To provide quality, available and affordable childcare supports for women EPSCO Conclusions (feb. 2013) Joint employment report (2012) Country specific recommendations (2012) To reduce fiscal disincentives for second earners

Social Europe The European Commission addresses these challenges in its political agenda Increasing employabiliy by investing in skills Annual Growth Survey 2013 Promoting voluntary flexible working arrangements

Social Europe The European Commission addresses these challenges in its political agenda Reducing long-term unemployment by investing in active policies Annual Growth Survey 2013 Joint employment report (2012)