18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Improvement of the Statistics on Industrial Water Use and Waste-Water Discharges Lithuania Project presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Improvement of the Statistics on Industrial Water Use and Waste-Water Discharges Lithuania Project presentation Violeta Juozefaite

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Project team: Environmental Protection Agency: Violeta Juozefaite, Vidas Stasauskas and Goda Kuliesyte EU15 experts: Michael Nagy (Umweltbundesamt, Austria) Bo Neergaard Jacobsen (Denmark) Lithuanian Water Suppliers Association: Jurgis Tuleika and Birute Isganaityte

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Working team: Environmental Protection Agency: Violeta Juozefaite, Vidas Stasauskas and Goda Kuliesyte EU15 experts: Michael Nagy (Umweltbundesamt, Austria) Bo Neergaard Jacobsen (Denmark) Lithuanian Water Suppliers Association: Jurgis Tuleika and Birute Isganaityte

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency The objectives: to improve response to the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire, Inland Waters to improve response to the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire, Inland Waters to prepare for reporting to the European Commission on implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the Water Framework Directive to prepare for reporting to the European Commission on implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the Water Framework Directive

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks: 1.Analysis of the existing data collection system in water field 2.Improvement of the existing regular statistical reporting from water users and waste water dischargers 3.Evaluation of the usability of data available from other sources 4.Development/application of estimation methods 5.Inventory of wastewater treatment plants 6.Establishment and use of measures for data accuracy

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 1: Analysis of the existing data collection system Evaluation of Facilities and Weakness of the Present Data Collection System with Regard to Reporting Requirements Evaluation of Facilities and Weakness of the Present Data Collection System with Regard to Reporting Requirements Selection of Optimal and Manageable Ways for Collection of a Particular Data Selection of Optimal and Manageable Ways for Collection of a Particular Data Proper Description of Responsibilities and Data Flows for Reporting Proper Description of Responsibilities and Data Flows for Reporting Proposals for Improvement of the Country’s Internal Data Flow Proposals for Improvement of the Country’s Internal Data Flow Recommendations to Minimize Technical and Administrative Sources of Error Recommendations to Minimize Technical and Administrative Sources of Error

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 1: conclusions Concentrate efforts on the biggest sources! 100% 2%Independent treatment 98%91% 0.1% Agglomerations <2000 p.e., ~400 WWTPs 99.9% Agglomerations >2000 p.e. ~90 WWTPs 9%Industry, ~90 WWTPs

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 2: Improvement of the existing regular statistical reporting Presently, data from national statistic questionnaire may be used to respond to 30% of the questions of the JQ Presently, data from national statistic questionnaire may be used to respond to 30% of the questions of the JQ Lithuanian response rate to JQ in 2004 – 32% Lithuanian response rate to JQ in 2004 – 32%

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 2:Reporters Water users/wastewater discharges who: abstract ≥ 10 m 3 /day of water abstract ≥ 10 m 3 /day of water discharge ≥ 5 m 3 /day of domestic or industrial waste water to the environment discharge ≥ 5 m 3 /day of domestic or industrial waste water to the environment discharge ≥ 50 m 3 /day of waste water to the sewage network discharge ≥ 50 m 3 /day of waste water to the sewage network discharge rain water collected from the bellow territories to the environment: discharge rain water collected from the bellow territories to the environment:  ≥ 50-are-size potentially polluted terrains  ≥ 10-ha-size terrains destined for motor transport and/or 50-are-size potentially polluted terrains via common rain water collecting system

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 2:Reports Annual report consisting the following tables: Water abstraction, use, transfer Water abstraction, use, transfer Waste water discharge and WWTP functioning Waste water discharge and WWTP functioning Pollutant emission Pollutant emission Functioning of waste water pre-treatment equipment and stormwater run-off treatment plants Functioning of waste water pre-treatment equipment and stormwater run-off treatment plants Discharge of domestic and industrial waste water as well as stormwater run-off into the sewage system Discharge of domestic and industrial waste water as well as stormwater run-off into the sewage system

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 2: Conclusions/proposals to split the annual reporting into 2 categories:  an inventory, including data with a more permanent character (locations, capacities, discharge points, etc.)  the annual questionnaire with data for the actual year (water abstraction, waste water, discharges, etc.) to develop ID system (codes + co-ordinates) for WWTPs, discharge points to supplement existing questionnaire with additional questions to design existing questionnaire in more logic way

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 3: Evaluation of the usability of data available from other sources 3 data sources were identified: Data from taxation (payment) system (application - for identification of pop. number connected to WW treatment)  Data collected by Lithuanian Water Suppliers Association  Data collected by the State Price Regulation Commission of Energy Resources 

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Population connected to WW treatment Findings from WWTPs inventory: only 45 of 122 water suppliers responded positively indicating that they have contracts with households (14) or communities of households (31) only 45 of 122 water suppliers responded positively indicating that they have contracts with households (14) or communities of households (31) WWT utilities from almost all agglomerations over 2,000 p.e. could provide data on pop. number served by them, while among the non-responding enterprises there dominate enterprises operating WWCSs in small towns and rural areas (<2,000 p.e.) WWT utilities from almost all agglomerations over 2,000 p.e. could provide data on pop. number served by them, while among the non-responding enterprises there dominate enterprises operating WWCSs in small towns and rural areas (<2,000 p.e.)Decision: to ask data for pop. numb. connected to WWCS/WWTP WWT utilities to ask data for pop. numb. connected to WWCS/WWTP WWT utilities in case of doubtful/missing data from utilities of agglomerations under 2,000 p.e., to use information of 2001 census in case of doubtful/missing data from utilities of agglomerations under 2,000 p.e., to use information of 2001 census

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Waste water treatment in Lithuania, 2003

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 4: Development/application of estimation methods for calculation of sewage sludge quantity in dry solids for calculation of sewage sludge quantity in dry solids for calculation of WWTPs organic design capacity for calculation of WWTPs organic design capacity for calculation of hydraulic and pollutant loads when measurements are not available for calculation of hydraulic and pollutant loads when measurements are not available

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Calculation of sewage sludge quantity in dry solids Check of plausibility of existing data on sludge amounts Check of plausibility of existing data on sludge amounts Elaboration of typical Lithuanian factors for sludge generation in dry solids and wet-volume (after stabilisation and de-watering) applicable for different treatment types and dewatering- technologies. The variable to which the factors should be applied is the incoming load of BOD7 Elaboration of typical Lithuanian factors for sludge generation in dry solids and wet-volume (after stabilisation and de-watering) applicable for different treatment types and dewatering- technologies. The variable to which the factors should be applied is the incoming load of BOD7 Calculation of total sludge generated in Lithuanian UWWTPs Calculation of total sludge generated in Lithuanian UWWTPs

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Elaboration of typical Lithuanian factors for sludge generation Such factors can never replace measurements of volumes and D.S.-contents, but they serve for validation and calculation of missing values. A regular update on the basis of measured data is needed. Such factors can never replace measurements of volumes and D.S.-contents, but they serve for validation and calculation of missing values. A regular update on the basis of measured data is needed. Only data considered as plausible should be taken into consideration for the calculation of such factors. Only data considered as plausible should be taken into consideration for the calculation of such factors. On the basis of data available for Lithuanian UWWTPs it is proposed to develop factors based on incoming p.e., type of WW-treatment and to group them according to the size- classes 2,000-10,000 p.e. / 10, ,000 p.e. / >100,000 p.e. On the basis of data available for Lithuanian UWWTPs it is proposed to develop factors based on incoming p.e., type of WW-treatment and to group them according to the size- classes 2,000-10,000 p.e. / 10, ,000 p.e. / >100,000 p.e.

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Calculation of WWTPs organic design capacity Problem: just data on hydraulic design capacity is reported Calculation method: L design (BOD) – WWTP design capacity, BOD units (kg/d) C mean – estimated average annual BOD of waste water received at WWTP (mg/l) Q design – WWTP hydraulic design capacity (m 3 /d)

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Calculation of hydraulic and pollutant loads when measurements are not available For analysis 22 WWTPs were selected (influent & effluent monitoring data, more than 6 corresponding samples, wastewater flows, 24h flow proportional samples) Default values of BOD7, COD, SS, N total and P total for influent loads per population connected to the plants and effluent loads according to treatment category were derived

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 5: Inventory of WWTPs (1) Goals: to check consistency of data has been provided by WWT utilities in annual reports to check consistency of data has been provided by WWT utilities in annual reports to test possibilities of WWT utilities to provide a new data to test possibilities of WWT utilities to provide a new data

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 5: Inventory of WWTPs (2) Process: Inventory questionnaire prepared by EPA was sent to 122 enterprises operating 549 WWTPs Inventory questionnaire prepared by EPA was sent to 122 enterprises operating 549 WWTPs Response rate – 80.5% (442 WWTPs) Response rate – 80.5% (442 WWTPs) The inventory involved all WWTPs from agglomerations over 2,000 p.e. The inventory involved all WWTPs from agglomerations over 2,000 p.e. Only WWTPs treating municipal and/or both municipal and industrial waste water were selected for the inventory Only WWTPs treating municipal and/or both municipal and industrial waste water were selected for the inventory

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 5: Inventory of WWTPs (3) Inventory questionnaire consists of 5 groups of questions that are divided into the following sections: General information General information Data on water supply system and water use Data on water supply system and water use Data on WWCS Data on WWCS Data on WWTPs Data on WWTPs Additional questions Additional questions

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 5: Inventory of WWTPs (4) Results: the currently collected data was specified and its quality was improved in terms of reliability and completeness the currently collected data was specified and its quality was improved in terms of reliability and completeness part of the information that up till now was unavailable when completing European questionnaires was collected part of the information that up till now was unavailable when completing European questionnaires was collected the collected data was used in this project to develop or apply estimation methods for water record rates the collected data was used in this project to develop or apply estimation methods for water record rates the readiness of enterprises to provide new information was checked the readiness of enterprises to provide new information was checked

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Tasks 6: Establishment and use of measures for data accuracy Data accuracy could be expressed by well- established statistical terms, e.g., the standard deviation(s) and or in relative terms, e.g., the C.V. expressed as (s) divided by the mean value

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Results (1) Response rate (%) to JQ, Lithuania

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Results (2) Lithuania is prepared for reporting to the European Commission on implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the Water Framework Directive Lithuania is prepared for reporting to the European Commission on implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the Water Framework Directive Improved data quality Improved data quality Experts from EU15 member states that participated in the project not only assisted while achieving the project objectives but also improved the qualification of the experts in water field of the EPA by consulting on technical issues Experts from EU15 member states that participated in the project not only assisted while achieving the project objectives but also improved the qualification of the experts in water field of the EPA by consulting on technical issues

18/09/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Remaining problems Pollution from non point sources Pollution from non point sources Data coverage and quality Data coverage and quality Independent treatment Independent treatment Surface water use by households Surface water use by households