Dialect Academic Vocabulary Word #4 Please write the word and the date in your vocabulary book, but do NOT write anything else.


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Presentation transcript:

Dialect Academic Vocabulary Word #4 Please write the word and the date in your vocabulary book, but do NOT write anything else.

Dialect Do NOT shout out your answers for this exercise. Keep answers to yourself so that everyone can come up with their own conclusions.

Dialect This video features dialects from all around the world. Listen closely, and pay attention to the origins of the dialects.

Dialect Take three minutes to 1.write down some descriptions of the word dialect. These are YOUR OWN ideas, not someone else’s, so DON’T TALK about them yet. 2.jot down related terms 3.draw a picture/symbols that you think relates to the term (and can help you remember the term)

Dialect Dialect can deal with… of a particular region. vocabulary, coke/pop/soda, dinner/supper pronunciation, or ketchup / “catch-up” crayon / “cran”/ “crown” grammar they was/they were, ain’t/is not

Dialect in TKAM Jem to Dill describing Scout’s reading abilities: “Scout yonder’s been readin’ ever since she was born, and she ain’t even started to school yet. You look right puny for goin’ on seven” (Lee 8).

Dialect in TKAM Dill to Jem when describing what Boo will probably do when Jem touches the Radley house: “He’ll probably come out afer you when he sees you in the yard, then Scout’n’ me’ll jump jump on him and hold him down till we can tell him we ain’t gonna hurt him” (Lee 18).

Writer’s Notebook Turn to the next clean page in your writer’s notebook. Write today’s date and title this entry: “Atticus: Before and After”

Writer’s Notebook Set up the page to look like this: 

Writer’s Notebook After an incident in Chapter 10, Scout changes her perspective about her father. While reading, be sure to take notes (by underlining, highlighting, annotating!) about how Scout feels about Atticus in the beginning, middle, and end of the chapter.