Dipika Kaushal Programme Manager Putting People First – Transformation of Social Care in Calderdale November 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Dipika Kaushal Programme Manager Putting People First – Transformation of Social Care in Calderdale November 2009

1 The Vision for Social Care – April 2008 to March 2011 Putting People First Concordat – A Shared Vision and Commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care, 2007: “Ensuring older people, people with chronic /LT conditions, disabled people and people with mental health problems have the best possible quality of life and independent living is fundamental to a socially just society.” “The model of care moves away from care determined by professionals to one where the individual identifies what is personally important to deliver his or her outcomes.” (Transforming Social Care LAC (DH) (2008)1)

Person Centred Care Adult Social Care Health Services Service User (family and/or carers) Universal Services Prevention and Early Intervention Practitioners working in Partnership with Service Users Outcome based assessment and care planning Independence, wellbeing, choice and dignity Working in an integrated manner to optimise health / SC outcomes for service users

Key Outcomes under PPF Agenda Ensure people irrespective of illness or disability are supported to: Live independently Stay healthy and recover quickly from illness Exercise maximum control over their own life Sustain a family unit which avoids children being required to take on inappropriate caring roles Participate as active and equal citizens, both economically and socially 3

PPF Structure PPF Programme Board (Chair Jonathan Phillips) Shaping the Market Individual Budgets Modern - ising Home Care Work- Force Dev. IT Enable- ment OBPF Universal access to Information Comms and SE Programme Manager (Dipika Kaushal)

Social Care Pathway Improved Access to Social Care: 1 number to access both information and first point of contact for services Reablement: 6 weeks intensive support to reable people back to independence Individual Budgets: Personal budgets to enable people to meet their care needs/ outcomes to lead a better quality of life for longer 5

The Customer Journey 6

Improved Access to Social Care A single number for all social care related queries CSAs will carry out initial screening assessments and offer access to simple services (care alarms, frozen meals) CSAs will have a comprehensive knowledge base of services available in localities Only people requiring full social care assessments referred to social workers Better and quicker access to information and services 7

Reablement Referred from hospital discharge or referral from social workers Six week intensive support from reablement staff including Occupational Therapists Working with service users to help them regain their confidence/ independence not doing to them Following reablement individuals will be assessed for ongoing care needs and provided with an Individual Budget to support them 8

Individual Budgets Social Workers assess individuals for their IB package following reablement. For those people who cannot be reabled they will be referred for the IB IB is calculated using an outcome based self assessment form. Social worker will also carry out their assessment and between them they will agree key outcomes IB is calculated and a support planner is allocated to plan the care with service users/ carers 9

Measuring Outcomes 10

Benefits of a transformed social care service Control, Choice, Independence Customer lead not service lead Outcome focused Quick and easy access to information and services (telephone, face to face, web) Encouraging managed risk 11

Next steps and timescales PBs being piloted until November 2009 PBs link with the re-ablement project pilot at the end of September Communications/ awareness raising campaign starts Dec 2009/ January 2010 Recruitment for Health and Social Care Citizen’s Panel for Calderdale January 2010 Mainstream PB’s in Jan 2010 to new customers 12

Next Steps and Timescales Reablement Phasing in between December 2009 – March 2010 PPF Official Launch 28 January 2010 Single Point of Contact for social care launch – 1 st February

Contact Details Dipika Kaushal – PPF Programme Manager 1 Park Road Halifax Tel: /