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Rural Generic Support Worker Opportunities and Synergies Dr Anne Hendry National Clinical Lead for Integrated Care Joint Improvement Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Generic Support Worker Opportunities and Synergies Dr Anne Hendry National Clinical Lead for Integrated Care Joint Improvement Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Generic Support Worker Opportunities and Synergies Dr Anne Hendry National Clinical Lead for Integrated Care Joint Improvement Team

2 Reshaping Care for Older People >10 Year Programme to 2021 >£ 300 million Change Fund >32 Partnerships between NHS: primary, acute, mental health LA: social care & housing Third and Independent sectors Older people and carers >Change Plans signed off by all partners >Joint Commissioning Plan >Improvement Network

3 2020 Vision Everyone is able to live longer healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting. > Integrated health and social care, a focus on prevention, anticipation and supported self management. > When hospital treatment is required, and cannot be provided in a community setting, day case treatment will be the norm. > Care will be provided to the highest standards of quality and safety, with the person at the centre of all decisions. > There will be a focus on ensuring that people get back to their home or community as soon as appropriate, with minimal risk of re-admission.

4 Policy Alignment

5 Secondary Care / Acute Primary Care State- funded social care Carers & support to carers Universal services, family, friends, community Support, information and training to carers Resource shift, over time, from crisis management and critical intervensions to prevention & “low level” support Self-directed support – choice/control for citizens Person-centred health care / self- management Self-directed Support: in context Other “crisis” interventions: Homelessness Criminal prosecution Dealing with drug/alcohol addiction Focus on quality, build on people’s assets, professionals and citizens work collaboratively Building the capacity of communities

6 Person Centred Care Primary Care: Long term conditions care planning Community Care Intermediate care: Rehab and enablement at home / care settings Care management/ anticipatory care: Community nursing Mental Health: Recovery support NHS Self-Management Support: Self-management programmes/ psychological interventions

7 Integration:Purpose >To deliver nationally agreed outcomes for health and wellbeing >To improve the quality and consistency of care for patients, carers, service users and their families >To provide seamless, joined up care that enables people to stay in their homes, or another homely setting, where it is safe for them to do so >To ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently to deliver services that meet the needs of the growing population of people with longer term and often complex needs

8 There are more people in Scotland with multimorbidity below 65 years than above

9 Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Bill >Royal Assent for legislation anticipated April 2014 >Transition / shadow arrangements ongoing >Integration Plan (Scheme) >OD and workforce plans – transition funding £7 M for 2014/15 >Integration Authorities from April 2015 >Jointly appointed chief officer >Integrated budgets for community health and social care and some acute hospital services >Strategic commissioning plan >Locality planning >Public and professional engagement

10 Integrated Care - Local and Personal

11 Technology Enabled Integrated Community Team

12 Intermediate Care >Integrated and enabling services at times of transition >Alternatives to admission, early supported discharge and support to regain independence Time limited >Hospital at Home – defined specialist led service >Home based Rapid Response / Early Supported Discharge services >Bed Based - Step Up/Step Down beds in care home / community hospital >Reablement – service / approach Chronic Care >Integrated Community Support Team >Community Ward




16 Community Services programme

17 Change Fund

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