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Strategic Objectives Benefits Significantly reduce costs Better outcomes for residents Better quality of service Fewer services/ providers subject to safeguarding.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Objectives Benefits Significantly reduce costs Better outcomes for residents Better quality of service Fewer services/ providers subject to safeguarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Objectives Benefits Significantly reduce costs Better outcomes for residents Better quality of service Fewer services/ providers subject to safeguarding measures due to improved market quality – attribution link to J&IC workstream Business Outcomes change in behaviour/ working Enabling changes Key Milestones Measures Appropriate service to meet needs – resulting in increased use of early supported discharge into well organized community care New organisational design – including support from generic teams with specialist input where required and locality based joint working with health Improved standard of service Reduced staff costs and workforce, with skills focused on addressing needs Reduced level of provision of, and time spent in, residential care Better choices of services for people Reablement as first port of call to meet needs – meaning fewer people make long term care decision from hospital Removing duplication within the assessment process Reduced levels of need following reablement Increase in reablement provision, particularly for people with long term conditions and more complex needs (e.g. Learning Disability and Dementia) People can better manage their own care Better experience of key workers, with relationships maintained at the right level More informed assessment of needs Increase in uptake of direct payments/ managed care/ personal budgets, promoting use of community and personal resources – attribution link to J&IC workstream Fewer crises and reduced hospital readmissions Capacity of reablement service is increased to support continued independence and delaying/ reducing the need for social care support Lower levels of need – resulting in fewer high cost packages following a period of reablement Staff are more informed (up to date) on information, advice and guidance options Increased and improved support planning by objective and knowledgeable staff Increased access to and quality of information for people, who can access this directly, reducing variation Staff focus on reablement Social workers and other professionals have access to all relevant assessment information Professionals across health and social care work in a more co-ordinated manner, including sgeneric teams with specialist input where required and locality based joint working with health Earlier intervention into failing services More care providers available to council Communications across all health and social care staff A document to articulate the reablement vision Improved channels (web, phone etc) for provision of information, advice and guidance IT systems to share information Assessment process embedded for all professionals (health and social care) to input along the pathway Governance of providers improved Strategic understanding of how to stimulate the provider market Support from HR to define role descriptions and responsibilities and recruit to new/ realigned functions Training to enable staff to support the new pathway Training for staff providing the reablement service Redistribution of staff to front end (reablement) Redistribution of staff to support planning Pathway redesign Draft for discussion Adult’s services

2 Benefits profile Adults Strategic outcomeMeasuresMilestones Better outcomes for residents Increase in uptake of direct payments/ managed care/ personal budgets, promoting use of community and personal resources Pathway redesign New organisational design – including support from generic teams with specialist input where required and locality based joint working with health Training to enable staff to support the new pathway Training for staff providing the reablement service Redistribution of staff to support planning Redistribution of staff to front end (reablement) Better quality of service Fewer crises and reduced hospital readmissions Better quality of service Fewer services/ providers subject to safeguarding measures due to improved market quality Better quality of service Capacity of reablement service is increased to support continued independence and delaying/ reducing the need for social care support Significantly reduce costs Lower levels of need – resulting in fewer high cost packages following a period of reablement The table below sets out the three main strategic outcomes for the transformation programme, along with how each of these might be measured (based on the activities which will take place within the adult services workstream). In addition, some milestones against which progress can be assessed are listed. Draft for discussion Adult’s services

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