Mall Scape ® Media 日常生活の中心にある消費者とのコミュニケーションチャネル Los Angeles +1 310.734.6800 |


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Presentation transcript:

Mall Scape ® Media 日常生活の中心にある消費者とのコミュニケーションチャネル Los Angeles | Bangkok +66 (0)

2 Mall-Scape ® Media Mall-scape Media is poster style media specialized in Japans biggest supermarket chain “AEON group” and “Ito-yokado”

3 Nation wide 154 malls ( Dec ) Hokkaido region 7 malls Tohoku area 10 malls Tokyo area 60malls Central Japan 32malls Osaka area 21 malls Chu-goku area 7 malls Shikoku area 3 malls Kyu-shu area 11 malls Okinawa 3 malls Mall-scape ® See the shop list for the details.

Point 1. Can reach up to 40 million people (in 2 weeks!!!) Specialized in big scale malls operated by AEON and Ito-Yokado. The coverage is equal to newspapers. Can be called MASS MEDIA. Point 3. Increase brand awareness, AKA: “Brand Building” Mall-Scape ® 4 The media in the shopping space has large impact. Point 2. Media located in shopping areas make huge impressions upon shoppers.

5 Location Can expect “frequency effect.” (shoppers visit several times a week) Located at spaces where people gather. ( Parking areas, Parking area for bicycles,Entrance, Aisle,Next to escalator.)

6 Information The terms : 2 weeks. The term Includes 2 weekends So you can reach to targets absolutely. Limited to 2 companies / mall. Therefore the impact is great. The number of posters are Mall-jack is possible buying 2 spaces. The user of media is limited to 2 companies per mall. Start on Friday ※ Refer to the shop list.

7 Mall-scape ® Characteristics Scrolling panels This scrolling panel attracts attention even in the crowded areas. Two kinds of poster appear one after the other. Panels inside shops or underground parking areas are lighted up all the time. Outside panels are illuminated after sunset. Illuminated Panels Scrolling movement attracts shoppers’ attention. Visible in the dark

8 Effective contact with shoppers Contact with families Families visit these shopping malls. Families look at the panel together and people can start talking about the advertisement. This conversation leads shoppers to purchase the goods if the supply is nearby… Media arouses conversation Effective for durable goods such as vehicles or electrical appliances and food stuffs whose purchase need consultation among family. Also effective to commodity goods.

9 The effect of Media-mix with TVCM Mall-scape® While TV CM can heighten recognition of the goods at home, once people go out, they tend to forget about the advertisement. To lead people to purchase the goods reminding the TV CM, the advertisement using Mall-Scape in the shop is more successful. Has the Mall-Scape reminded you of TV CM ? Does Mall-scape make you feel like buying the goods more than the TV CM does? yes no

10 POS data analysis +28% ( 122/95) +52% ( 108/71) Personal careHouse care + 65 % ( 163/99) + 77 % ( 179/101) pharmaceutical + 30 % ( 113/87) + 33 % ( 118/89) + 36 % ( 168/124 ) + 37 % ( 166/121) alchol + 64 % ( 263/160 ) + 37 % ( 190/139) Frozen food + 24 % ( 508/410 ) + 72 % ( 461/267) Processed food The growth of sales (before and after the campaign)

11 Pos data analysis-2 TV 広告の残存効果を一週あたり 80 %と想定、その週間 GRP をアドストック(紫色)としてセールス・インデックスと比較。 どちらの店舗も広告アドストックに沿ったセールスとなっている。 しかしながら広告掲出店舗売上と広告非掲出店舗売上を比較すると広告掲出期での売上げに大きな乖離がみられる(①)。 その後両者の差は徐々に縮まって行ったが、掲出終了後11 - 12週間後に 次の TV 広告が開始されると、再び売上げ差が開いた(②)ことがわかる。 ① ② The effect of Mall-scape media is confirmed to last for 14 weeks.

12 Changed to 4 networks ■ Presently there are 2 networks.(A,B) →4 networks ( A,B,C,D) from 2009 ■ The number of shops/network decreased in half. ■ 2 networks(A&B or C&D) needs to be bought to cover all malls. 2 networks are recommended because of the reasonable unit price and broad coverage. ※ price/unit(using 1 network) : ¥30,000 、 price/unit(using 2 networks) : ¥28,500 ■ There are only 2 clients at the same time in a mall. This point and the number of panels wont be changed. ※ see the shop list for the details.

13 Change to 4 networks-2 ■ Requests for “specific region” or “specific mall,” Please ask us.

14 Promotion cases The effect of the collaborative promotion is unique Scent promotion sampling Sound Display vehicles

Special display These cases might be possible on negotiation with malls.