Sequential logic circuits


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Presentation transcript:

Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Outline Sequential Circuit Models Asynchronous Synchronous Latches Flip-Flops CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits The main characteristic of combinational logic circuits is that their output values depend on their present input values. Sequential logic circuits differ from combinational logic circuits because they contain memory elements so that their output values depend on both present and past input values CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Sequential circuits can be Asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous sequential circuits change their states and output values whenever a change in input values occurs. Synchronous sequential circuits change their states and output values at fixed points of time, i.e. clock signals. CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential Circuit Models Universal model CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Combinational circuit model Mealy machine model Moore machine model CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential Circuit Models Circuit type Excitation Output Combinational None O = g(I) Moore Machine E = f (I, St) O = g(St) Mealy Machine O = g(I, St) CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Memory Devices Latches A latch is a memory element whose excitation signals control the state of the device. A latch has two stages set and reset. Set stage sets the output to 1. Reset stage set the output to 0. Flip-flops A flip-flop is a memory device that has clock signals control the state of the device. CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Latch Flip-flop CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Latch and Flip-Flop Devices # of Elements Description 74LS73A 2 Negative-edge triggered JK flip-flop with clear 7474 Positive-edge triggered D flip-flop with preset and clear 74LS75 4 D Latch with enable 7476 Pulse-edge triggered JK flip-flop with preset and clear 74111 Master-slave JK flip-flop with preset, clear, and data lock out 74116 4-bit hazard-free D latch with clear and dual enable 74175 Positive-edge triggered D flip-flop with clear 74273 8 74276 Negative-edge triggered JK flip-flop with preset and clear 74279 SR latch with active-low inputs CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Inverter Chains Ring oscillator CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Latches RS Latch The RS latch is the basic memory element consists of two cross-coupled NOR gates. It has two input signals, S set signal and R reset signal. It also has two outputs Q and Q'; and two states, a set state when Q = 1 and a reset state when Q = 0 (Q' = 1) CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits 1 S R Q hold 1 0 reset 1 set unstable CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Theoretical state diagram of cross-coupled NOR gates CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Observed state diagram of cross-coupled NOR gates CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

RS Latch excitation table Q(t) Q(t+1) Hold 1 Reset Q(t+1) = S(t) + R'(t)Q(t) Set Q+ = S+ R'Q X Forbidden CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits 1 S R Q unstable 1 0 reset 1 set hold CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

State, Clock, Setup Time, and Hold Time The Clocking event can be either from low to high or from high to low. The input signal around clocking event must remain unchanged in order to have a correct effect on the outcome of the new state. Tsu: the minimum time interval preceding the clocking event during the input signal must remain unchanged Th: the minimum time interval after edge of the clocking event during the input signal CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Timing Diagram of RS-Latch CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits JK Latch S R Q(t) Q(t+1) Hold 1 Reset Set Q+ = K'Q+ JQ' toggle CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Level-Sensitive Latches A level-sensitive latch is a latch with an additional enable input. RS latch CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits RS Latch with Enable C S R Q(t) Q(t+1) X Hold 1 Reset Set toggle CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits D Latch C D Q(t) Q(t+1) X Hold 1 Reset Set Q+ = D CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Flip-Flops A flip-flop is a level-sensitive latch with a clock input. RS flip-flop Q+ = S +R'Q CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits T (Toggle) flip-flop D Q(t) Q(t+1) Hold 1 Toggle Q+ = TQ' + T'Q CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Master Slave Flip-Flops A master slave flip-flop consists of two latches and an inverter. Master-slave RS flip-flop CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops Positive edge-triggered RS flip-flop timing diagram CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Positive edge-triggered JK flip-flop timing diagram CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Positive edge-triggered D flip-flop timing diagram CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Positive Edge-Triggered Timing A circuit that generates a positive edge-triggered timing signal can be constructed as follows: CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

When inputs are sampled Type When inputs are sampled When outputs are valid Unclocked latch Always Propagation delay from input change Level-sensitive latch Clock high Positive-edge latch Clock low-to-high transition Propagation delay from rising edge of clock Negative-edge latch Clock high-to-low transition Propagation delay from falling edge of clock Master/slave flip-flop CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits

Sequential logic circuits Exercises page 425, 6.1-6.6, 6.9, 6.10, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.17, 6.24, 6.25 CS 3402--Digital Logic Sequential logic circuits