Series: Faithful families in an unfaithful world.


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Presentation transcript:

Series: Faithful families in an unfaithful world

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Introduction: Last week we shared the truth that we must embrace, live sincerely, and pass on the core values of our faith in Jesus Christ.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness We answered 3 questions.  Why are Biblical core values of our faith so important?  How do we pass on these Biblical core values to others?  What is required for us to live out these Biblical core values of faith sincerely?

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Today we want to consider the Biblical core value of forgiveness.

29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.

30 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness As followers of Jesus Christ we are to practice forgiveness rather than to hold onto bitterness.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Anger is a normal response to hurt, fear, and /or frustration. Anger that is allowed to remain in the heart becomes bitterness.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness This bitterness is always the result of an unwillingness to choose forgiveness. Bitterness destroys a person in many ways.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness It destroys the person emotionally and physically. It hinders the person spiritually and usually damages at some level every other relationship in a person’s life.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness The only answer to this sin of bitterness is to choose to practice forgiveness.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Biblical Insights concerning the practice of Forgiveness Ephesians 4:32- the pattern to follow

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness

Colossians 3: So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Colossians 3: bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Colossians 3: Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Colossians 3: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Matthew 6: 12, Matthew 18: 21-22, 34-35

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Practical Applications of the core value of Forgiveness

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness

Genesis 50: But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place?

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Genesis 50: As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Genesis 50: So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness

A Biblical Definition of Forgiveness

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Forgiveness is not erasing.Forgiveness is not erasing. It is not seeking to live as if the offense never happened.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Forgiveness is not saying it is okay because this would be condoning the behavior.Forgiveness is not saying it is okay because this would be condoning the behavior.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Forgiveness is not shifting the blame because this would be to tolerate the behavior.Forgiveness is not shifting the blame because this would be to tolerate the behavior.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness The definition of whatThe definition of what Biblical Forgiveness truly is can be understood by simply following God’s model.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness God’s model of forgiveness is:God’s model of forgiveness is: -To recognize the sin and the hurtful results as they truthfully exists

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -To choose to forgive. God forgives because God chooses to forgive. We too must choose to forgive to experience forgiveness. God’s Grace makes it possible. God’s grace gives the desire & the power to forgive.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -Once we know we need to forgive we have begun to experience His grace. Only God would give the desire to forgive. This desire however, requires our choice to obey God for the power to forgive to be released.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -This choice is a surrender of the legitimate right to be bitter so God’s love can forgive through you.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -As God’s forgiveness flows through us we are transformed to be more like Jesus and we are freed from the destructive power of bitterness.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -As God’s forgiveness flows through us He frees from the pain which is attached to the memories -This transformation and freedom from pain enables us to experience the blessing of being able to love and trust again

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Steps needed to be able to forgive (7 steps process) Step 1 – We must receive Step 1 – We must receive God’s forgiveness personally

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Step 2 - We must fully apply the extraordinary truthStep 2 - We must fully apply the extraordinary truth of God’s choice to forgive us a.Matthew 18 b.2 Peter 1: 5-9

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Step 3 - We must choose to ignore the excusesStep 3 - We must choose to ignore the excuses that would cause us to disobey God’s command to forgive.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness

Step 4 - We must surrender Step 4 - We must surrender to God so He can do His supernatural work in and through us.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness This Choice is a surrender of: -The right to be bitter -The desire for revenge -The need or desire to handle things yourself

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness Step 5 - We must express our repentance, surrender,Step 5 - We must express our repentance, surrender, and desire to obey God in a prayer of expectancy.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -Expect God to provide the power for you to forgive -Expect God to remove the bitterness from your heart -Expect God to remove the pain from your memory - Expect God to restore fellowship with you if it was broken due to a lack of forgiveness

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness

-Step 7 – We must seek God for a practical way to express HIS love to the one(s) who has hurt you –

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -This does not mean one must remain in the path of pain or abuse. It does mean to release the bitterness by overcoming evil with good -Romans 12: 21.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -Closing Thoughts / Questions -Do you need God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ? Salvation Salvation Forgiveness for the bitterness Forgiveness for the bitterness

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -Do you need to make the choice of obedience and allow God to forgive through you?

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -We will pass on a legacy to our families, friends, church family, and community. The question is will our lives pass on a legacy of forgiveness or of bitterness. God’s will is clear and best for us.

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness -Families need to practice forgiveness. Church families also must practice forgiveness

Practicing Forgiveness rather than Bitterness - Do you need to seek someone’s forgiveness?

Series: Faithful families in an unfaithful world