Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting to Parents/Carers 2015/2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting to Parents/Carers 2015/2016

Parent / Teacher Consultations twice a year End of year report card – with level and comments on curricular areas

KEY AIMS include: 1.Review and improve the current process of reporting learners’ progress and achievement to parents/carers 2.Identify clear and continuous ways of sharing information of learners’ progress and achievement 3.Support the assessment partnership between learners, teachers and parents/carers 4.Enable parents/carers to gain a greater understanding of the learning, assessment and reporting process Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting

Year 2 – now over 30 primary schools /3 secondary schools. Growing focus on developing learners’ understanding of their own progress. Increased parental involvement in their children’s learning. National guidelines for teachers. ‘CfE Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy’ paper. (Nov 2013) Local development priority identifying need to improve current reporting procedures. Feedback from National Parent Forum Scotland. (NPFS) Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting

Education authorities will have flexibility within clear national expectations to determine the ways in which reporting shares children’s and young people’s progress, achievements and needs. As is current practice, the formats of written reports will be decided locally. Reporting comprises a range of activities including:  written reports  children presenting their learning to parents  parents’ consultation meetings  ongoing oral discussions Staff should ensure that learners are involved in reporting activities in order to promote learners’ ownership of their learning. BtC 5: A framework for Assessment: recognising achievement, profiling and reporting Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting

More informed picture of my child’s progress throughout the school year. Clearly identified termly opportunities to find out about my child’s progress. Greater understanding of the learning process. Increased involvement in my child’s learning.

Traditional style of written report will change but information you receive will continue to improve. The school’s ‘reporting calendar’ will support the process of on-going reporting. Clearly identified opportunities for ‘reporting’ will be timetabled across the session. Ongoing feedback is important. Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting

Insert your own reporting calendar here if you wish. Settling in / Parent interviews Home/School Links Pupil presentations (indiv/group) Open sessions daytime/ evening Feedback, individual meetings Written reports Interim/full OTHER TERM 1 All classes Open Afternoon to meet teacher / share expectations – Intro by SMT Termly Info wk2 Progression Jotter home Postcards / Trophies at assembly Diaries IEP reviews Weekly Newsletter (Including celebrating success) Parent Helpers TERM 2 Parent / Teacher / Pupil dialogue (15 mins) Termly Info wk2 Profiling Folder home Postcards / Trophies at assembly Diaries P1-3 NativityParent Consultation event SMT/parent Surgeries Mid-term report part of Profiling Folders Weekly Newsletter (Including celebrating success) Parent Helpers Kellands Reporting to Parents Timetable 2015/16

Settling in / Parent interviews Home/Schoo l Links Pupil presentations (indiv/group) Open sessions daytime/ evening Feedback, individual meetings Written reports Interim/full OTHER TERM 1 Termly Info wk2 Progression Jotter home Postcards / Trophies at assembly Diaries Every class 1 assembly or topic presentation in Term 3 or 4 P4 John Muir P5 ? P6-7 Scottish Opera (every other year) Cycle Event Curriculum Evening IEP reviews SMT/parent Surgeries TERM 2 Parent / Teacher / Pupil dialogue (15 mins) Termly Info wk2 Profiling Folder home Postcards / Trophies at assembly Diaries P4-7 Show (every other year) P7 Leaver’s Assembly End of Year Service Walk to School & Soft Start (Healthy Lifestyle focus) Sport’s Day Mini Olympics SMT/parent Surgeries End of Year report part of Profiling Folders Kellands Reporting to Parents Timetable 2015/16

Profiling ‘Reflection and dialogue, in which learners participate throughout all phases of their education 3 to 18, are central to practice in recognising achievement, profiling and reporting.’ (Building the Curriculum 5, Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting)

Profiling for the Learner Helps develop skills and attributes as well as knowledge and understanding Raises awareness of not just WHAT is being learned but WHY and HOW Is beginning to join up learning across and beyond the curriculum Develops skills for learning, life and work Develops the 4 capacities to become a Successful Learner, Responsible Citizen, Effective Contributor, Confident Individual Focuses on achievement, not just attainment