Monochromatic Color Scheme
Monochromatic Color Scheme – A color scheme in which the artist uses only one “hue” (color) plus shades and tints of that color. Shade- A darker value of a color. Made by adding black Tint- A lighter value of a color. Made by adding white. In watercolor the white you add is the paper showing through, so you add more water to the paint.
Practice Painting – Skill Building Get out your sketchbook Paint set 2 brushes – l large, 1 small Paper towels Water container We will be drawing and painting an eye together using only one color of paint –plus shades and tints.
Draw a tree and paint it using a monochromatic color Scheme Draw a tree and paint it using a monochromatic color Scheme. Can be realistic or abstract. Label your drawing MONOCHROMATIC Add the definition- One color plus shades and tints. Sketchbook
Sketchbook Assignment Make a design by repeatedly drawing a geometric shape over and over again, making sure to overlap the shapes. Paint it using a monochromatic color scheme.