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Presentation on theme: "Color."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color

2 Color Color is the most expressive element of art
Color has strong ties to emotions An element of art that is derived from reflected light You see color because it reflects back to your eye No light = no color

3 Color spectrum Always in the same order
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet Artists place these colors in a wheel (circle) to better see the relationships between the colors

4 Components of Color Hue Value Intensity
the name of a color in the spectrum Value the lightness or darkness of a color Intensity the brightness or dullness of a color

5 Color Families Primary Secondary Tertiary Red, blue, yellow
Used to create ALL other colors Secondary Green, orange, violet A mixture of two primary colors Tertiary Six colors all with hyphenated names: red-orange, etc. Made by mixing a primary with each of its secondary colors

6 Color Mixing Red + Yellow = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green
Blue + Red = Violet Creating tertiary Colors Take a secondary add back it’s two primary components, creating two new colors Orange + yellow = yellow-orange Orange + red = red-orange

7 Value Darker value Lighter Value Color + black = a shade
Color + white = a tint

8 Intensity The brightness or dullness of a color Complimentary Colors
Colors opposite each other on the color wheel Mixing a color with its compliment dulls its hue or lowers its intensity Eventually two compliments will mix to make a neutral - brown or gray


10 Color Schemes A plan for organizing colors according to their relationship on the color wheel Choosing colors is an important step in creating artwork and creates a mood Part of your planning this tri will be choosing color schemes for your work

11 Monochromatic Means one color
Color scheme that uses only one hue and the tints and shades of that hue Creates a strong unified effect

12 Analogous Colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue Usually three hues Violet, blue-violet, & red-violet Ties work together through use of a common color

13 Complementary Pairing of complimentary colors
Creates strongest contrast Creates sense of visual vibration if the intensity of the colors are strong

14 Color Triads Three colors spaced an equal distance apart on the color wheel Primary triad Secondary triad Creates strong contrast Can be a disturbing color combination if the colors are too intense

15 Split complements Combination of one hue and the colors on either side of its complement Blue, red-orange, yellow-orange Offers more variety than a straight complementary color scheme

16 Warm & Cool Colors Warm Cool Yellow, orange, red
Associated with warm things, happy, vibrant Come forward Cool Blue, green, violet Associated with cold things, sad, calm Move back

17 In your sketchbook . . . Color wheel Value scale Intensity scale
Labeled correctly Color names, warm & cool colors Value scale Intensity scale Color matching Using brush strokes on objects

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