Title: Mesoamerica Review & Democracy Forms In Latin America
Review: Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations Maya, Aztec, and Inca In your INB make a chart similar to the one below. As we review the ancient cultures record the facts in your chart. MayaAztecInca
Central Mexico Chinampas- floating gardens Tenochtitlan- capital city- causeways connect it to mainland Military focused Human sacrifice- especially to the sun god Calendar to keep track of worship Empire
Southern Mexico-Central America City- Tikal City-states- NOT an empire Math, astronomy and religion connected Raised beds and terrace farming Written- language of glyphs- records called codex
West coast of South America Empire Extensive road system with runner/messengers No written language Organized into ayllu- family groups with required work for the government Used quipu- knotted strings to record data Domesticated llamas Mysterious city- Machu Picchu
Democracy What is it? How do you get it? Why does everyone want it? What is it? Democracy- is a government by the people and for the people. Direct Democracy vs. Indirect Democracy Direct Democracy-a government in which citizens rule directly rather that through representatives. What classical civilization had a direct democracy? Indirect Democracy-a government in which representatives are popularly elected to fulfill the wishes of the people and withhold the traditions and principles of the nation. Which modern civilization best represents an indirect democracy?
How do you get it? Common PracticesConditions That Foster Those Practices Free Elections-Having more than one political party -Universal suffrage Citizen Participation-High levels of education & literacy -Economic security -Freedoms of Speech, Press, and assembly Majority Rule, Minority Rights-All citizens equal before the law -Shared national identity Protection of such individual rights as freedom of religion -Representatives elected by citizens to carry out their will Constitutional Government-Specific traditions and laws on which government is based -Wide spread knowledge about government’s workings -National acceptance of majority decisions -shared belief that no one is above the law
Why Does Everyone Want It? Using your knowledge of Global History and the various forms of governments that we have studied, in your INB take three minutes and free write about why a person or group of people would want to live under a Democratic nation.