Grundtvig Senior Volunteering Projects National Agencies Seminar 15th October 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Grundtvig Senior Volunteering Projects National Agencies Seminar 15th October 2008

1st part – THE CONCEPTS

What does volunteering have to do with Grundtvig? A presentation by Agnès Uhereczky from the Association of Voluntary Service Organisations (AVSO) –

The European Voluntary Service (EVS) for Young people Creation in 1996 Now part of the Youth in Action programme 2006 budget: 38.5 million € young volunteers per year ( : v.) Free for volunteers Partnership SO-HO-V

A few figures 1 to 100 volunteers per hosting project; possible group activities (special events) Age years old Duration of the service : 2-12 months Project duration up to 2 years Share of young people with fewer opportunities in EVS (2005): 18%

EVS particular features Short term EVS For young people with fewer opportunities For groups of more than 9 volunteers A two stage procedure: Accreditation of all EVS HO => EVS database Matchmaking => application Compulsory final evaluation of the activity upon return International cooperation

EVS tools EVS charter (quality standards and principles) Training and evaluation cycle (SO, HO, V, tutors), with minimum standards and guidelines Youthpass Group insurance Strong incentives for young people with fewer opportunities and organisations working with them

More information Information on EVS: action-programme/doc82_en.htm action-programme/doc82_en.htm List of Youth National Agencies: s_en.htm

Grundtvig experiences in senior volunteering A presentation by Mr Davide di Pietro (Lunaria) and Mr Dietmar Eisenhammer

SENIOR volunteering Why focus on seniors? Do they have special expectations ? Do they have special needs?

Reaching out to disadvantaged target groups Difficulties Possible solutions Point of view of UK National Agency

2 nd part Grundtvig senior volunteering projects

Supporting the partner organisations Peer-support Contact seminars Training courses Guide for projects “Tips and resources for a good project” Support by Grundtvig national Agencies

Supporting the Grundtvig National Agencies Cooperating with the Youth National Agencies – testimony by BEFL National Agency Peer support Support by the Commission Information and communication Working group on New Actions

Evaluating the proposals (criteria set in LLP Guide) Quality of the project Quality of the project partnership Impact and European added-value Quality of the work programme Dissemination and exploitation of results

Quality of the project Clear presentation of partners Guidelines for volunteers’ selection Learning value of volunteering activities Cooperation between partners beyond the exchange of volunteers

Also important… Training and support of the volunteer Different phases Who does what Never under-estimate the needs of the volunteers

Quality of the partnership SO and HO are appropriate for the topic Appropriate balance between partners Effective communication and cooperation mechanisms Potential sustainability of the partnership Eligibility of organisations / activities Any type of organisation, but the activities MUST - Be non-profit making - Have an educational value

Impact and European Added value Impacts of Eur. Cooperation on SO, HO and V is clear and well defined Methodology for evaluation of impact is clear Project is integrated in partner’s activities European added-value is proven

Quality of the work programme Work programme is appropriate to objectives Tasks are clearly defined and distributed among partners Tasks can be achieved within the given time-frame Both partners are actively involved

Dissemination and exploitation of results Activities are relevant and well defined They involve all actors (SO, HO AND V) And if possible, the wider community

Procedures and documentation Guide for applicants Application form FAQ for NAs NA guide; eligibility and quality assessment check lists ; Roadmap Matching – LLPLink

A grant made of 4 elements 1. Travel cost per volunteer sent (real cost x number of volunteers sent) 2. Administrative grant for sending volunteer (lump sum x number of volunteers sent) 3. Subsistence rate (lump sum depending on length of stay x number of volunteers hosted) 4. Administrative grant for hosting volunteer (lump sum x number of volunteers hosted)

Example of a grant Whereby … Partner 1 (Italy) sends 2 volunteers for 8 weeks Partner 2 (Denmark) sends 1 volunteer for 3 weeks and 3 volunteers for 6 weeks European maximum rates are applied An average travel costs 300 €

Partner 1 (IT) should receive Travel costs for 2 v. 2 x 300 €600 € Grant for sending 2 v. 2 x 800 €1600 € Subsistence rate for 4 v. (1 x 2518 €) + (3 x 3190 €) € Grant for hosting 4 v. 4 x 390 €1560 € TOTAL15848 €

Partner 2 (DK) should receive Travel costs for 4 v. 4 x 300 €1200 € Grant for sending 4 v. 4 x 800 €3200 € Subsistence rate for 2 v. 2 x 4398 €8796 € Grant for hosting 2 v. 2 x 390 €780 € TOTAL €

Various financial issues Pocket money Other ?

Good luck !!!