Heat Transfer Chapter 2, Section 2 p. 49-51. How Heat is Transferred Heat: the energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one.


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Presentation transcript:

Heat Transfer Chapter 2, Section 2 p

How Heat is Transferred Heat: the energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one.

How Heat is Transferred Heat is transferred in 3 ways: radiation, conduction, and convection.

Radiation Radiation: the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.

Radiation Examples: sun’s rays, campfire.

Conduction Conduction: the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching.

Conduction Solids conduct heat better than liquids or gases (molecules are closer together).

Conduction Examples: walking on hot sand, touching a hot pot.

Convection Convection: the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid.

Convection Examples: furnace, boiling water.

Heat Transfer in the Troposphere Radiation, conduction, and convection work together to heat the troposphere.

Heat Transfer in the Troposphere 1. Earth’s surface absorbs solar energy and is heated by radiation.

Heat Transfer in the Troposphere 2. Earth’s surface reradiates heat and warms the lower troposphere by conduction.

Heat Transfer in the Troposphere 3. The heated air molecules move faster making the warm air rise and the cold air sink. This creates convection currents which move heat throughout the troposphere.

. Earth’s surface is heated by radiation. Earth’s surface reradiates heat. Lower atmosphere is heated by conduction. Warm gases rise, cool gases sink = convection. HEATING THE TROPOSPHERE

The Greenhouse Effect When Earth’s surface is heated, it radiates some of the energy back into the atmosphere.

The Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse effect: the process by which gases hold heat in the air.