New Empires in the Americas 3.2 Spanish America. The Spanish Empire COUNCIL OF THE INDIES- Spanish governing body of the Americas Spanish governing body.


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Presentation transcript:

New Empires in the Americas 3.2 Spanish America

The Spanish Empire COUNCIL OF THE INDIES- Spanish governing body of the Americas Spanish governing body of the Americas Governors ruled territories such as Peru and New Spain which included the southern United States. Governors ruled territories such as Peru and New Spain which included the southern United States. Spain had little control because they were too far away to do anything. Spain had little control because they were too far away to do anything. The American colonies make Spain very rich from gold and silver mining. The American colonies make Spain very rich from gold and silver mining.

Ruling New Spain Catholic Church plays an important role Catholic Church plays an important role a religious community headed by priests MISSIONS- a religious community headed by priests Priest teach the Indians to use: Priest teach the Indians to use: Bread SilkHorses Cattle

The Economy of New Spain Spanish settlers had the right to use Indians as slaves and to tax them. THE ENCOMIENDA SYSTEM- Spanish settlers had the right to use Indians as slaves and to tax them. Indian slaves also died from European diseases. Indian slaves also died from European diseases. African slaves were brought over to help on the large plantations. African slaves were brought over to help on the large plantations.

Expanding into the Borderlands Spanish settlers live where they can get the most wealth Spanish settlers live where they can get the most wealth They move to Mexico, Florida, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. This happens over hundreds of years. They move to Mexico, Florida, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. This happens over hundreds of years. Spanish push for settlers in Florida when France sets up a colony. Spanish push for settlers in Florida when France sets up a colony. A fort is built at Saint Augustine to protect Spanish treasure fleets. A fort is built at Saint Augustine to protect Spanish treasure fleets.

Expanding into the Borderlands EL CAMINO REAL- EL CAMINO REAL- This royal road connected the scattered settlements throughout New Spain. This royal road connected the scattered settlements throughout New Spain. It will take settlers to California It will take settlers to California Few Spanish go because there are better opportunities in Mexico and Peru. Few Spanish go because there are better opportunities in Mexico and Peru. By 1650, 3-4 million Spanish live in the Americas By 1650, 3-4 million Spanish live in the Americas

Colonial Society Spanish society was split into classes Spanish society was split into classes white Spaniards born in Spain. They have the best jobs. PENINSULARES- white Spaniards born in Spain. They have the best jobs. People born in the Americas to Spanish parents CRIOLLOS- People born in the Americas to Spanish parents MESTIZOS- have Spanish and Indian parents and usually worked for the Criollos MESTIZOS- have Spanish and Indian parents and usually worked for the Criollos SLAVES AND INDIANS- these people had no rights SLAVES AND INDIANS- these people had no rights Women had no rights! Women had no rights! Peninsulare s CRIOLOOS MESTIZOS AMERICAN INDIANS AND SLAVES WOMEN