10 порад від вчителя 1. Урок починається з інтересу учня до предмета. 2. Перш, ніж пояснити, порадуйте. 3. Після того, як учні почали посміхатися, заінтригуйте. 4. Після того, як заінтригували, поясніть, навіщо це їм потрібно. 5. Передавайте своє здивування і захоплення тим, що ви пояснюєте. 6. Запам'ятовується несподіваний приклад. 7. Запам'ятовується наочне і те, що можна використовувати. 8. Вищий клас - коли учень хоче переосмислити вашу інформацію і пояснити іншим. 9. Хочуть вчитися не у того, хто добре знає предмет, а у того, хто показав, як він потрібен учневі. 10. Урок - не коли знаючий пояснює незнаючим, а коли тим, хто зібралися, добре разом. А якщо ще й корисно - це наслідок! Джулі Дирксен «Мистецтво навчати» Оригінальна назва: Julie Dirksen "Design For How People Learn"
Why “a sandwich” is called so
Many years ago there lived in Great Britain a famous politician. His name was Sandwich, John Montague Sandwich. John Montague
The legend goes that he was fond of playing cards so much that people knew him to be the greatest player in London. He played cards during the day and even didn’t stop his games at night.
One night, it was in 1762, the Earl of Sandwich stayed at the card table for 24 hours. He even didn’t stop for meals. His servant brought him some slices of meat and bread.
John’s friends also ordered a snack and they really liked it.
It happened that the Earl of Sandwich put the meat between the bread and in this way invented a new dish. People began to call it “a sandwich” after this man.
Say if you agree or disagree with the sentences. 1. The Earl of Sandwich was a Frenchman. 2. He was fond of playing cards. 3. People knew him to be the greatest sportsman in London. 4. The Earl of Sandwich could play cards for twenty-four hours a day. 5. The famous player stopped playing only for meals. 6. People called a new dish after the Earl of Sandwich.
Earl John Montagu Sandwich ( ), invented the sandwich in order to be able to eat cheap food while working on serious projects, not to take time away from the hard work. He was a member of the English Parliament, the Minister of foreign Affairs and naval Minister of the British Imperia. But the Earl of Sandwich did not play and believed that card game was stupid and a waste of time. Besides, he had no money for card games. Because of lack of money he devised a convenient for his work inexpensive food. Since that time sandwich is known and loved all over the world.
Every nation has devised its own type of sandwich. For example, the French add various sauces and pastes to it.
American sandwich is the multi-layered structure with meat, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise.
But the fact is that a sandwich became the most popular and mass food.