Presentation to Salford’s Children and Young People’s Partnership Board Friday 14 October 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation to Salford’s Children and Young People’s Partnership Board Friday 14 October 2005

Current arrangements under The Children and Young People’s Partnership Board

Salford Children and Young People’s Partnership Change for children team – partnership development and support (some virtual) Joint Commissioning? Workforce development Support to partnership board Marketing and information Information sharing and assessment Participation Voluntary sector forum subtopic Programme management website Common assessment framework Participation strategy Children’s champion Training Monitoring Children & Young People’s Activity on the Local Strategic Partnership Salford Community Leisure Sure Start 6 to 13 Connexions Child and adolescent mental health strategy Corporate parenting/ looked after children Learning difficulties and disabilities Scholl’s strategy forum? Children's maternity and neonatal health steering group Local area safeguarding board SEN Educ Inclusion Each subgroup to have oversight or allocated Outcomes and performance indicators The health city forum Children’s fund Extended schools Locality teams Link to 2, 3, Asylum seekers & refugees 4 Links to 1, 2, 3, Connexions and disability partnerships 13 An idea in development and one that needs careful thought e.g. relationship 1 Key issue – the age related partnerships are essentially about promotion and early intervention. It is therefore very important that they relate to neighbourhood management processes and structures

Proposed framework for delivering children’s services on behalf of The Young People’s Partnership Board

Salford Children and Young People Partnership Board (SCYPPB) Resources & Commissioning Arm Children and Young People Plan (CYPP) Locality team Community Committee Locality Plan Working Group Partnership group Task group 5 Outcomes Participation Locality Issues Processes – ISA, CAF Age Range Issues Safeguarding Support & Systems Locality Partnership

What do we all need to do to make the Locality Partnership work?What do we all need to do to make the Locality Partnership work? What is the best way to communicate this framework and the locality way of working to all the people who need to know?What is the best way to communicate this framework and the locality way of working to all the people who need to know?

Questions We Need to Answer Locality Partnership Audit of Need Engagement with Children & Young People What do we all need to do to make the Locality Partnership Work? How can we improve our use of information? What do we all need to do to make these locality partnerships work? What is the best way to communicate this framework and the locality way of working to all the people who need to know? What information could we include in the locality profiles? What is the best way to communicate this frame work and the locality way of working to all our key stakeholders? Are there any priorities missing?