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Multi-agency group for Children and Young People in Care

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1 Multi-agency group for Children and Young People in Care
Ann Domeney Deputy Director Social Care

2 Background “Care Matters” June 2007 and now the Children and Young Peoples Bill-attempt to improve inter-agency collaboration and accountability within children’s services “Care Matters” implementation plan is a shift from developing policy nationally to delivering change locally

3 Care Matters Importance of excellent corporate parenting
High aspirations and stable relationships for children in care Listening to the voice of the child All agencies directed to work together to develop integrated systems, services and strategies

4 JAR Requires us to increase the focus on vulnerable children as part of Children’s Trust arrangements National expectation around “Narrowing the Gap”

5 Importance of Corporate Parenting
Outcomes for children continue to be poor Reasons for children and young people coming into care already place them at a disadvantage Essential that their experiences in care reduce this disadvantage rather than compound it

6 Children and Young People’s Plan
Work of group should link to CYPP Outcome on CLA Based on expressed commitment of all agencies and council departments Narrowing the gap between children in care and all children

7 Herts Forward HCTP Board HCTP Core Executive Group
HCC Scrutiny Committee Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board HCTP Board Young People’s Shadow Board HCTP Core Executive Group Crime and Disorder Reduction agenda Staying Safe Being Healthy Enjoying and Achieving Making a positive contribution Achieving Economic Wellbeing Service Management (Business Support) District Children’s Trust Partnerships Workforce Performance Planning & Commissioning Participation Budgets Communication L.A.C and Care Leavers Bullying Children with a Disability C.A.M.H.S Healthy Lifestyles Standards & School Support Early Years B.M.E CC & ES Parenting SSOSHL Integrated Youth Support Teenage Pregnancy Youth Justice Substance Misuse 14-19 Strategy Childcare Sufficiency Child Poverty Integrated Practice (CAF) Needs Analysis District Plans County Children and Young Peoples Plan (CYPP) Priorities District CYPPs Stakeholder engagement – Workshops and events Version 5.3 CC & ES = Children’s Centres and Extended Schools SSOSHL = Study Support and Out of School Hours Learning

8 The role of the multi-agency group for children in care
A key element in an action plan across HCC and partner agencies to improve the service to children in care and on the edge of care and ensure it responds to changing needs Will focus on those aspects of the service which require development because of the need for multi-agency agreement

9 The role of the multi-agency group for children in care
Officer task group set up under the terms of reference of HCTP Will link to the Children’s Services and Corporate Parenting Panel through: workshops, receiving and commenting on reports and proposals, making recommendations as necessary

10 Priorities for the Group
An action group to identify tasks and progress action arising from the priorities in the CYPP and the work of HCTP Must take into account universal and targeted services and not focus exclusively on specialist or acute services

11 Priorities for the Group
Should ensure provision of specialist, intensive multi-agency family support services for children on the edge of care and their families Identify priorities for commissioning Should develop multi-agency looked after children strategy

12 Priorities for the Group
Will identify the impact on children and young people in care of decisions by HCC and partner agencies Ensure that action is being taken to address any shortcomings in the service and to constantly improve the outcomes for children in care

13 Representation on group
A shared agenda reflecting ECM outcomes PCTs, CAMHS,schools, FE colleges, district councils police, youth offending, third and private sector, youth and leisure Simple, streamlined with a focus on multi-agency delivery of services for children in care and on the edge of care

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