The twelve steps of a classic story


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Presentation transcript:

The twelve steps of a classic story The Hero’s Journey

Tribute to Christopher Volger We are using the Christopher Vogler structure and titles. Christopher Vogler worked for Disney. In many Disney movies, you can see a very clear structure of the Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is a basic storyline that many stories follow.

The Twelve steps of the hero’s journey 12. Return With the Elixir 1. Ordinary World 2. Call to Adventure 11. The Resurrection 3. Refusal of the Call Ordinary World 4. Meeting the Mentor 5. Crossing the First Threshold 10. The Road Back Special World 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies 9. The Reward 7. Approach to the Inmost Cave 8. The Ordeal

The Ordinary World Most stories take place in a special world. In that ordinary world, the hero is usually introduced.

The Call to Adventure The hero is presented with a challenge, a problem, a disgrace or an adventure.

Refusal of the call At this point in the story, the hero often tries to back out of the deal. Something motivates them to go on with the quest though.

Meeting the mentor In many, many tales, often times there is a mentor. Someone who informs the character about their new world and teaches them. Soon enough though, the hero will have to face the challenge on their own.

Crossing the First Threshold The hero has crossed into the special world of his/her/it’s story. This is where the story truly takes off.

Tests, Allies and Enemies Here the hero is forced to make allies and can’t help but make some enemies on the way. The hero has to endure tests and trials.

Tests, Allies and Enemies Here the hero is forced to make allies and can’t help but make some enemies on the way. The hero has to endure tests and trials.

Tests, Allies and Enemies Here the hero is forced to make allies and can’t help but make some enemies on the way. The hero has to endure tests and trials.

Approach to the inmost Cave With the hero’s allies, the hero finally comes to the dangerous place where the object of their quest is hidden. They will do a lot of planning for this moment.

The Ordeal This is it. The hero’s bleakest moment. You never feel more alive than when you’re almost dead. For the hero, who may or may not die in this scene, it is a crucial moment of death and renewal.

The Reward Having appeared to die and now survived, the hero is in a mood to collect their reward. The hero may settle a conflict with allies, family or friends. Maybe even his nemesis, or Shadow. The Reward can be a literal or figurative thing.

The Road Back The hero’s not done yet. The vengeful forces of evil have come to haunt them. This makes for a great chase scene.

The Resurrection The hero emerges from the special world. They think they are out of the woods but they are in for a surprise. There is often a replay here of ‘The Ordeal Stage’.

Return with the Elixer The hero comes back to their ordinary world but he brings back his reward, ready to change their world as they’ve been changed.

The Twelve steps of the hero’s journey 12. Return With the Elixir 1. Ordinary World 2. Call to Adventure 11. The Resurrection 3. Refusal of the Call Ordinary World 4. Meeting the Mentor 5. Crossing the First Threshold 10. The Road Back Special World 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies 9. The Reward 7. Approach to the Inmost Cave 8. The Ordeal