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Religious Themes in Popular Film

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1 Religious Themes in Popular Film
Images of Faith Religious Themes in Popular Film

2 Heroes & Religion A hero may just refer to the main character in a story, whether book, film, or ancient myth. Usually, though, heroes have special qualities, like courage or goodness. To discuss: What makes people heroes in the movies you watch? Which of those are religious ideals?

3 Many of our ideas about heroes come from Christianity:
Making sacrifices in order to save others. Acting out of hope even in difficult times. Working for justice for the oppressed. Clashing with authorities Being chosen for a special task

4 The Hero’s Journey What happens to the hero of the story? Joseph Campbell thought all religions and cultures tell the same story, a monomyth. From modern novels to ancient myths, all stories are really just a hero’s journey. He proposed that there are 17 stages in that story, but many people have simplified it to 12 stages.

5 The hero is introduced in his/her ORDINARY WORLD.
There is a CALL TO ADVENTURE. The hero REFUSES THE CALL, or is reluctant to go. The hero is encouraged by a MENTOR, a Wise Old Man or Woman. The hero CROSSES THE THRESHOLD and enters the world of the story for the first time.

6 The hero faces TESTS, and encounters both ALLIES and ENEMIES.
The hero reaches the INNERMOST CAVE. The hero endures the supreme ORDEAL. This is the most crucial moment of the story.

7 Having survived the ordeal, the hero SEIZES THE SWORD, or REWARD.
The hero must take the ROAD BACK, and often faces further challenges or tests. The hero emerges transformed, returning to the ordinary world. This is called the RESURRECTION. The hero brings an ELIXIR, or treasure or lesson, back with him. Returns to ordinary life.



10 Harry POTTER Response For discussion (during and after):
What makes the main character a hero? What character traits does he possess? What actions does he do? Is heroism more about destiny or about choice? According to the movie, what makes something evil? Magic is a force beyond the natural world; you could say it’s supernatural. What is magic? And how do people in this movie relate to the supernatural, or to magic? Write your own responses in your notes, based on our discussions. Be detailed. Connect your ideas to examples from the movie.

11 Supernatural and spiritual forces
The supernatural usually refers to anything that transcends the natural world, and so doesn’t rely on natural laws. Most cultures in history have a strong belief in supernatural forces. To discuss: How do you imagine supernatural forces? Do you think supernatural forces are good or evil or both?

12 Monotheistic religions believe that there is one Creator God who transcends the natural world, and that God is good. Judaism, Christianity, Islam The Judeo-Christian tradition emphasizes that people can have a personal relationship with this Creator God, that God speaks to individuals. Abraham’s covenant, Moses and the burning bush, Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus

13 In Christianity, God becomes human in Jesus Christ, and so we connect with the spiritual or supernatural by knowing Jesus. Christians also believe in the Holy Spirit: God’s spirit on earth helps people as they follow Jesus. God is seen as: LOVE a dove Christ on the cross (in suffering)

14 Shinto is a very old religious tradition in Japan
Shinto is a very old religious tradition in Japan. To this day, most people in Japan participate in some Shinto practices. These practices honour Kami, which are gods or spirits, or the sacred essence of a thing. Places, things (particularly natural things), and even people can be Kami. Not all Kami have the same purpose or responsibilities. They do not all work together for good, and may even oppose each other. In the past, Kami were often animalistic.

15 Princess Mononoke For discussion (during and after):
Is there a saviour in this story? If so, how is it the same or different from Harry Potter? How does this film show good and evil? What are good actions? What is the root cause of evil? What’s the supernatural in this story and how do characters relate to it? How is it different from Harry Potter? Write your own responses in your notes, based on our discussions. Be detailed. Connect your ideas to examples from the movie.

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