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Twelve Stages of the Hero’s Journey “The Hero Quest”

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1 Twelve Stages of the Hero’s Journey “The Hero Quest”

2 Archetype DEF. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

3 Archetype Example of A Hero Motto: Where there's a will, there's a way Core desire: to prove one's worth through courageous acts Goal: expert mastery in a way that improves the world

4 Archetype Example Cont. Greatest fear: weakness, vulnerability, being a "chicken“ Strategy: to be as strong and competent as possible Weakness: arrogance, always needing another battle to fight Talent: competence and courage

5 Archetype Example Cont. The Hero is also known as: Warrior Crusade Rescuer Superhero Soldier Dragon slayer Winner Team player

6 Stage 1: Life in the Ordinary World Normal everyday existence. No conflict. Life as usual. Peaceful, calm, quiet, ordered.

7 Stage 2: A “Call” to Adventure A serious situation emerges that threatens life in the ordinary world. The hero is “summoned” or “called upon” to undertake a very important task or mission.

8 Stage 3: Refusal of the Call The hero sees the task as overwhelming and feels inadequate or unable to fulfill the quest. Or the hero doesn’t want to undertake the task or quest. Or the hero doesn’t believe the quest is essential. Or someone refuses the call for him/her.

9 Stage 4: Discovering a Mentor Mentor = Guide The hero finds a mentor / “friend” who will guide, instruct or lead him. The mentor typically convinces the hero that the task or mission is necessary.

10 Stage 5: Passing the “Threshold” The hero leaves his world, his “home,” behind and embarks on a journey. This marks the beginning of the quest.

11 Stage 6: Finding Allies and Encountering Enemies Along the way, the hero discovers a band of allies who will help him along his quest. The hero also learns who his enemies are.

12 Stage 7: Tests & Challenges Hero undergoes many tests and challenges. Each challenge brings him closer to his goal Each challenge makes him stronger, bolder, wiser, etc…

13 Stage 8: Approaching the “Innermost Cave” The hero must enter a place of darkness. Literally: a deep cave, underground, a very dark and scary place. Figuratively: emotional depression, sadness, melancholy. Hero learns something of extreme value during this stage.

14 Stage 9: Seizing the Sword The hero finds the courage and nerve to face his “enemy” head on. The hero decides it’s “all or nothing.” The hero decides it’s time to act.

15 Stage 10: The Ultimate Ordeal The Hero undergoes his most challenging test. Usually face-to-face with his mortal enemy.

16 Stage 11: Resurrection Literal or figurative The hero dies and is miraculously brought back to life. The hero is thought to be dead, only to return again, surprising everyone. The hero is reborn into a higher state of being or consciousness.

17 Stage 12: Returning with the Elixir An “elixir” is a potent potion that restores one to health. The hero brings back an “elixir” that restores his ordinary world. The “elixir” can be peace, calm, hope, order, a cure, an actual healing potion, etc…

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