2007-08 Budget Forum Charles W. Sorensen Chancellor UW-Stout.


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Presentation transcript:

Budget Forum Charles W. Sorensen Chancellor UW-Stout

Today’s Agenda  Governor’s Proposed Biennial Budget  UW-Stout’s Budget Process & Focus 2010  Other Funded Priorities  Questions / Comments

Governor’s Biennial Budget  $225 million proposed GPR investment in Higher Ed  Governor’s proposal:  Hold tuition increases to about 4%  Increase financial aid by $44 million  Provide $21 million for growth agenda (Stout requested $1.2 million)  Provide $6.9 million in recruitment and retention funds  Capital budget is pending- Harvey Theatre renovation

 Recruitment and retention funds- DOA will be more involved  Shorten health insurance eligibility from 6 months to 2 months  Provision for collective bargaining  $40 million statewide efficiency lapse- UW System will participate, but the amount is unknown  Veterans remissions- State will only fund increase amounts, not amounts paid out in previous years ($437,789 for Stout) Governor’s Biennial Budget Other items of interest

 Introduced as a Budget Bill  Review by Joint Finance Committee  Review by the Senate  Review by the Assembly  Back to the governor, who can veto all or part of it Governor’s Biennial Budget Next Steps

University Priorities  University Priorities are 2 year plans –Four new priorities initiated in fall 2006 –Six continuing priorities from fall 2005  Over $1 million in one time funding, and $133,883 in base allocations for Curricular Incubation New Programs Internal Communication Polytechnic Global Society

University Priority: New Programs Reach new markets and provide new programs through online learning, hybrid courses, programs and partnerships. Status:  GEM online will be launched fall 2007  Strategic plan for outreach in progress  RFP for academic transformation project will be issued in spring 2007 Budget Actions:  $40,000 allocated for academic transformation project

University Priority: Global Society Prepare students for a global society and work force Status:  Plan developed for incorporating global perspectives into experiential learning activities. Examples: international biotech semester, trans- Atlantic project in technical communication, student teaching abroad  Think Tank created to brainstorm ways to utilize technology to increase diversity  Team working on recommendations for how to develop a global-ready graduate Budget actions:  $12,500 for site development funds

University Priority: Internal Communication Improve the effectiveness of internal communication. Status:  Planning for effectiveness audit of internal communication  Recommendations from Morale/Job Satisfaction Task Force implemented. Examples: Chancellor’s walk-arounds, signatures reduced on travel form Budget Actions:  Base allocation for University Communication Director  One-time funding for University writer

University Priority: Polytechnic Reaffirm and build upon the historic strengths of UW-Stout’s mission. Shape and communicate Stout’s polytechnic identity. Develop an effective brand. Status:  Polytechnic steering committee has been established  A University-Wide Branding Initiative plan and process draft has been developed. Budget Actions:  $33,000 for marketing plan and initiatives

Create a curricular incubation center Status: Eight programs received funding in If funding is approved, applications for new curricular incubation center projects will be solicited Budget actions:  $25,000 allocated to identify new programs to incubate  Additional $50,000 requested from the Foundation board University Priority: Curricular Incubation Center

Other Funded Priorities  E-Scholar integration –$52,000 for Teaching and Learning Center Director  First Year Experience –$55,000 for peer mentor program, professional development and faculty grants –$25,000 for FYE coordinator –Results from Year 1 and 2 are being evaluated

 Enrollment Management- Modeling –$42,500 base funding for Math Laboratory –$49,650 for Writing Laboratory  Enrollment Management- Marketing –$750,000 for ad hoc hires to cover freshmen class (depending on enrollment) Other Funded Priorities continued

Thank you for your input! Questions?Comments?