LO: To understand the timeline of the Tudor period.


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Presentation transcript:

LO: To understand the timeline of the Tudor period. History LO: To understand the timeline of the Tudor period.

The Tudors Why is the time period between 1485 to 1602 called the Tudor period? because the Tudor family was the royal family during this time

Henry Tudor In 1485 Henry Tudor went to Wales from France. With the help of French troops he invaded England. He marched into England and on the 22nd August 1485 he met Richard III on Bosworth field, where they had a battle. Henry Tudor killed Richard III and became King Henry VII (1485-1509).

The Battle of Bosworth For 30 years, there was a fight over the English throne between two branches on the same family, the House of York and the House of Lancaster. The House of York used a white rose as their symbol, and the House of Lancaster used a red rose. The fight between the two families became known as The Wars of the Roses. The War of the Roses ended when Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian, defeated King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. Henry Tudor became King Henry Vll. Henry Vll (from the Lancaster family) married Elizabeth of York (from the York family). This marriage united the two families. Henry created the Tudor rose, conjoining the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster.

Tudor Timeline 1485-1509 Henry VII was King of England for 24 years 1509-1547 Next King was his son Henry VIII, who was followed by his 3 children 1547-1533 King Edward VI, became king at the age of 9. Edward died at the age of 16 in 1553. 1553-1558 Queen Mary I, She is known as Bloody Mary because of the number of people who were executed for being Protestants 1533-1603 Queen Elizabeth I, was queen of England for 116 years There were five crowned Tudor kings and queens and they are among the most well-known figures in Royal history.

Main Activity Create a red and white Rose which could be the emblem of the Tudors. Name the Tudor Monarchs and put them into order. Clue: