Towards a Student led PDP Dr Nigel Richardson Natural, Geographical and Applied Sciences Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a Student led PDP Dr Nigel Richardson Natural, Geographical and Applied Sciences Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Personal Learning File Introduced in 1995 Source of information on teaching and assessment Included skills audit and action planning Record of achievement Only completed at Level 1 Completion required for progression Supported by a Study Skills Programme from 2000 Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Personal Development Plan I (PDP) Introduced in 2000/2001 Generic version based on Leeds Model Customised by some subjects Electronic delivery through Web CT; Paper version also provided Level 1 only Assessed on pass/fail basis Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Personal Development Plan II Key components: Testing and Planning Reflecting and Building Reflecting on Level 1 -Integrated within a tutorial programme -Mixed student feedback -Level 2 PDP focusing on employability and post degree work (introduced 2002/2003) Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Three Year PDP Introduced in 2003/2004 Includes: (a)self-assessment of skills on entry and action planning (b)Periodic reflection, recording of progress, skills development and action planning Supported through personal tutor system at Levels 1 and 2 Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Student Feedback I Positive: Useful archive of progress Makes reflection on work easier Gets you to think about ways of improving the things you are not good at Useful focus for personal tutor meetings Helps to identify strengths and weaknesses If I use it, I should improve Good for recording marks Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Student Feedback II Negative: Boring Time consuming Extra work on top of other College work for which we gain no marks or credits Focused on recording rather than learning Less relevant for mature students Should be for students personal use not assessed Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Future Development Towards a Student led PDP Student issues: Imposed Developing student ownership Assessment or learning focus Time pressures Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

Future Development Towards a Student led PDP Staff issues: Imposed Importance of staff promoting the PDP Assessment of PDP – criteria; consistency? Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

A Student led PDP? Overcome motivation and engagement problems Develop student ownership for the PDP Student views on structure/content and format of PDP More sections for personal thoughts and reflections Diary format to allow week-to-week reflection More flexible structure – why cant we decide what this is like individually? Greater opportunity to include extra-curriculum activities and skills developed Student type focus Presentation should be more formal Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences

A Student led PDP? What does it mean? –A flexible PDP that reflects/records both the personality and attributes/skills of each student –Learning Journal PDP relationships How we propose to deliver it Assessment? Natural, Geographical & Applied Sciences