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Demanding Questions and Difficult Answers Alan Maddocks Carol Newbold Loughborough University.

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Presentation on theme: "Demanding Questions and Difficult Answers Alan Maddocks Carol Newbold Loughborough University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demanding Questions and Difficult Answers Alan Maddocks Carol Newbold Loughborough University

2 Discussion What is happening with PDP in your institution? What are the key issues that have already, or are likely to be, identified?

3 Workshop aims Summary of the Loughborough PDP experience Comparison with other institutions Analyse key issues

4 Loughborough University RAPID/RAPID 2000 Skills for Success Royal Society of Chemistry Undergraduate Skills Record

5 The RAPID Progress File RAPID: Recording Academic, Professional & Individual Development RAPID: A Web-based Personal Development Planning Tool RAPID: Versions across a range of Engineering / Construction disciplines

6 The RAPID Progress File PACE: student records personal details, achievements, qualifications, career / employment experiences etc. SPEED: student audits competence across a range of skills, and engages in a process of skill development involving action planning, reflection, and capturing / documenting evidence

7 RAPID 2000: Implementation 10 HE Institutions 2000 + students Different Contexts –Support personal tutorial systems –Assess / accredit work-based learning –Enhance academic practice through integration into existing programmes

8 RAPID 2000: Evaluation Formal Reports from participating HEIs Student Feedback –Questionnaire Surveys –Student Focus Groups Staff Interviews Workshops / Seminars

9 RAPID: Key Issues Student motivation Staff involvement / engagement Integration / Additional activity Assessment / Non-Assessment Ownership issues IT infrastructure / support

10 Skills for Success Recording facility based on RAPID Focus on key skills Three-step process –Self-audit, action plan, record Print and non-interactive web versions

11 Business School Integrated into first year curriculum Personal effectiveness module –Lectures, handouts Built into assessment Individual reflection –Skills-based CV and Action Plan

12 Student feedback Previous experience with Records of Achievement tends to be negative Self-analytical processes valued but seek endorsement of academic staff

13 Staff feedback Target setting often unrealistic/unfocussed Students strongly overrate their skills, particularly writing and managing self- learning Action plans not appropriate for soft skills

14 Chemistry Paper-based record for whole programme Induction session for students tries to integrate with previous experiences Tutorial support Staff commitment uncertain at this stage

15 Conclusions The process is more important than the vehicle/tool Integration into the academic curriculum is desirable Build upon previous experiences through examples Assessment encourages student engagement Staff support/enthusiasm is critical

16 Final Reflection In the light of todays discussion, are you able to identify any practical solutions/examples of good practice to tackle any of the key issues relevant to you in your institution?

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