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Alan Smith Cardonald College. The project: Scottish Funding Council Strategic Development Fund Collaborative partnership arrangement - Lead college Adam.

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1 Alan Smith Cardonald College

2 The project: Scottish Funding Council Strategic Development Fund Collaborative partnership arrangement - Lead college Adam Smith Built on the success of Focus on Learning 1 Action Learning Research Methodology Focus - the development of “Employability Skills” Policy Drivers

3 Employability – 1 of the 4 pillars of European Employment Strategy Determined to Succeed The Policy Drivers SFC Strategic Development Fund Workforce Plus: an employability framework for Scotland More Chances, More ChoicesLife through Learning Learning through Life A Smart Successful Scotland

4 SFC Research paper – Learning to Work : Many of the skills and attributes that make for effectiveness in the workplace cannot be taught (in the traditional sense of the word) but they can be learned, with the right kind of support (2004 Futureskills Scotland Employers Skill Survey) Definition of employability: A set of achievements – skills, understanding and personal attributes that make individuals more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations.

5 SFC Research paper – Learning to Work Develop a common understanding of the term employability and employability skills Provide a learning experience that will allow learners to improve their employability skills Identify factors within these enhanced programmes that contributed to improved levels of employability Help practitioners develop new skills and a higher level of understanding of employability as a set of key skills and behaviours.


7 criteria: Classroom interventions Focus on the development of core and soft employability skills Skills needs will vary between learners and between vocational areas Innovative practice – embedded within core activity (no bolt-on) Enhancing employability skills of learners will impact positively on their level of motivation and achievement Provide a basis for the development and transfer of new skills.

8 Army preparation Basic skills/Independent living Computing/IT Construction Skills Craft Skills ESOL Textiles and fashion General education Graphic design Hairdressing Health and Social care Hospitality Social science Sport and fitness Stress management

9 Identify the issue Plan, prepare, deliver Monitor and adjust Evaluation Action learning A model for CPD

10 Case study: Personal development – A focus for business success ! Issue: A need to raise confidence and self esteem of group of qualified holistic therapists and develop business skills awareness. Actions: Liaise with industry Introduce life coaching Raise awareness of Emotional Intelligence (EQ – Goleman 1995) Self assess - Wheel of Life / Emotional competence framework (baseline data) Adapt course design – to include HN level business unit

11 Outcomes: Identification of key holistic employment skills Links with industry Raised levels of confidence /motivation, self esteem (self-assurance of ability to be self employed – elevator statement Learners recognise/demonstrate key skills Increased achievement Increased retention Staff Development

12 Recurrent themes and development issues: Relevance of curriculum content Engaging with employers Develop tutor/learner learning partnerships Significance of self esteem in the learning process and employability Tutors must be open to new methodologies and approaches Trust - the relationship between tutor /learner is pivotal Need to overcome negativity with specific groups Action learning a focus for meaningful development and CPD.

13 Dissemination Strategy: National dissemination event – 7 December 06 Intervention reports Full project report and summary report College presentations National conferences/SERA Newspaper Articles In-house workshop/sharing practice

14 On one level, the focus on learning project was nothing special. Every day in every college in Scotland, staff reflect on how students are progressing and adjust the input and support they provide, to help students do better. Focus on Learning simply encouraged this process and made space for it to happen. (Ros Micklem principal Cardonald College)

15 Thinking skills Learning styles Adult Learning Memory and Recall Physical factors Focus on Learning 1

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