What are 3 ways in which the Earth differs from all other planets? Earth’s Structure Video 03/18/2013 S:


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Presentation transcript:

What are 3 ways in which the Earth differs from all other planets? Earth’s Structure Video 03/18/2013 S:

Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/25/13 Galactic Tour Essay 2/26/13 Space Exploration Chapter 21 2/27/13 Artificial Satellites Chapter 21 2/28/13 Unit Test Space 3/01/13 Correct Space Test 3/18/13 Earth’s Structure Video

P, A & C: Video

Now that you’ve learned a bit about our Earth, write 3 sentences about 3 things you would like to learn about during this unit. E:

Describe what you think the word “dynamic” means, and tell how the Earth is dynamic. EduSmart: Earth’s Layers 03/19/2013 S:

Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/25/13 Galactic Tour Essay 2/26/13 Space Exploration Chapter 21 2/27/13 Artificial Satellites Chapter 21 2/28/13 Unit Test Space 3/01/13 Correct Space Test 3/18/13 Earth’s Structure Video 3/19/13 EduSmart: Earth’s Layers

P & A : Watch EduSmart C: Take Notes

Tell 3 new things you learned by watching EduSmart today. E: The Earth is formed much like an onion.

S: Consider an onion and an apple as models of the Earth. Discuss the advantages and limitations (disadvantages) of each. Unit Vocabulary 03/20-21/2013

Unit Vocabulary 3/20-21/2013 S A 39g sample of granite has a volume of 15cm 3. What is the density of granite? A 63.8g sample of basalt has a volume of 22cm 3. What is the density of basalt? Consider what you know about the density of the ocean basin (basalt) and the continental crust (granite), and tell whether the densities you calculated are reasonable.

Granite Basalt Mass = 39g Volume = 15cm 3 Density = mass / volume Density = 39g / 15cm 3 = = 2.6 g/cm 3 Mass = 63.8g Volume = 22cm 3 Density = mass / volume Density = 63.8g / 22cm 3 = = 2.9 g/cm 3

Show your work:

Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/25/13 Galactic Tour Essay 2/26/13 Space Exploration Chapter 21 2/27/13 Artificial Satellites Chapter 21 2/28/13 Unit Test Space 3/01/13 Correct Space Test 3/18/13 Earth’s Structure Video 3/19/13 EduSmart: Earth’s Layers 3/20/13 Unit Vocabulary

Inner Core SOLID metal DENSE HOTTEST layer Center of Earth Thickness = 1300 km Temp = 5000 – 9000ºC The solid iron-nickel ball of metal beneath the outer core. P : Notes FACT: The temperature of the inner core layer is more than the sun's surface.

Outer Core LIQUID layer melted metal located beneath the mantle surrounds the inner core. Thickness = 2250 km Temp = 4000 – 5000ºC The molten iron-nickel layer that surrounds the inner core. FACT: Generates the earth's magnetic field.

Mantle thickest layer contains 67% of the Earth’s mass. large amounts of iron and magnesium Semi-solid (high viscosity) Thickness = 2900 km Temp = 2000 – 3200 ºC The mantle is the thick layer of hot, solid rock between the crust and the molten outer core. FACT: About 70 percent of the earth's mass lies in the mantle.

Asthenosphere the soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the Lithosphere move.(allows tectonic plates to move) Semi-solid rock that, like putty, flows very slowly. Temp = ºC approximately 250 Km thick. The somewhat fluid portion of the upper mantle upon which the lithosphere is located. FACT: The asthenosphere gets its name from the Greek word for weak.

Lithosphere It is beneath Earth’s crust and is divided into the tectonic plates. SOLID Temp = 500 – 900ºC km thick The top most layer of the Earth, which is comprised of the crust and solid portion of the upper mantle, divided into plates. FACT: The lithosphere gets its name from the Greek word for rocky.

Crust Continental crust - average thickness of 30 km, composed materials like granite & quartz Oceanic crust - is thinner (5-8 km thick) and is composed mostly of basalt. State of matter = solid Temp = 0 – 500ºC The Earth's outer most layer – makes up the continents and ocean floor. FACT: It makes up only about one percent of the earth.

A : Structure of the Earth Project Build an original model or find an existing model (ex. something you already have, like an apple) of the Earth’s structure. Identify and describe the advantages and limitations of your model. 100 – Student-designed (original) model with 3 or more advantages and 2 limitations clearly identified in writing. 90 – Found (non-original) model with 3 or more advantages and 2 limitations clearly identified in writing. 80 – Model (original or found) with 2 advantages and 2 limitations clearly identified in writing 70 – No model presented, but student can clearly identify in writing at least 2 advantages and 2 limitations of a teacher- provided model. Due: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 No late projects will be accepted due to time restrictions. Be creative – think outside the box!

C: Draw and label the Layers of EARTH _______________ ______________

E: Plan for Friday’s Essay: Journey to the Core What important information about Earth’s structure will you include? How will you organize your essay?

Journey to Earth’s Core: 3/22/13 S: You are traveling to Earth’s core. Your machine allows you to travel 45km in 90 seconds. What is your speed in km / min? Be careful and think!

P: Plan Ahead! Write a brief outline of your journey from crust to core. Be sure to include where your journey is beginning (ocean basin or continental crust) since the depth of the crust may be dramatically different. Be sure to describe your machine, including the special travel requirements for deep earth travel Tell what you see and experience along our trip!

A & C Write a 1 to 2 page essay describing your travel to Earth’s core. E If time permits, share your essay w a classmate.