How to improve the technical and financial management of the TEN-T projects? Ioannis Giogkarakis-Argyropoulos, Head of Unit T2 – Road and Rail Transport, TEN-T EA The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September 2010
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September How to improve the technical & financial management of the TEN-T projects? Background The current programme Most recent experience The way forward
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Background (1) Objectives of the improvements already made in the current ( ) TEN-T programme –Facilitate the completion of the TEN-T infrastructure investments and the creation of an efficient Trans-EuropeanTransport network –Enhance the monitoring and administration of projects –Raise visibility of EU support
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Background (2) Main improvements and changes to the programme: –Increased funding ( 8 billion) –More focus on Priority Projects, in particular cross-border sections and bottlenecks –Creation of the TEN-T Executive Agency in charge for the implementation of projects
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Background (3) Main simplifications to the monitoring & administration of projects -Standardised administrative requirements (Decisions, Strategic Action Plans, Reports) -Flexibility on modifications to the cost breakdown -Harmonised templates for financial statements -Standardised examination of payments
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September TEN-T EA managed projects
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Share of completed and ongoing projects in the current portfolio
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Most recent experience (1) Common specific characteristics: –High degree of complexity –Large number of stakeholders –Part of longer term investments –Different sources of funds –Non cumulation of EU funding
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Most recent experience (2) Selection aspects: –High over-subscription –Search for European added value –Leverage effect of TEN-T funding –Dependence on project applications –Evaluation based on information supplied by the applicants
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Most recent experience (3) Implementation issues: –Long preparatory periods –High degree of complexity in the decision making –Optimistic plans –Maturity –Project and risk management aspects –Delays –Regular budget revisions Need for a deeper look into matury and implementation plans
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Most recent experience (4) Financing issues: –Insufficiency of TEN-T funding –TEN-T funding vs other EU sources –Financial crisis –Updated cost estimates –Absorption rates –Streamlining payments/faster response times –EU Financial Regulation
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Most recent experience (5) –Beneficiaries have gradually become familiar with the TEN-T requirements –Close and regular contacts with stakeholders have facilitated the technical and financial management – Sound project management practices yield results and facilitate reporting –Added value of the Agency?
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Key Objectives Better understanding of and preparation for the implementation challenges Improved awareness of the TEN-T requirements Better appreciate beneficiaries needs & practices Bring added value to project and programme implementation TEN-T EA BENEFICIARIES
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September The Way Forward (1) Overview of respective project management methods and tools used Identification of potential national specificities in project implementation Development of common monitoring practices & reporting based on the TEN-T requirements
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September The Way Forward (2) Sharing experiences and good practices for improved quality of project management and monitoring through: -Project Management Workshops -Working groups -Internal information sharing Need to insist on complete and accurate information on both technical & financial progress
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September The Way Forward (3) Provide for improved risk management and better responses to obstacles Facilitate the timely preparation and submission of requirements and shorten the approval time, and reduce the associated workload Closer working relationships Review of the Multi-annual programme project portfolio is ongoing
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Recurrent Challenges Do we provide the right assistance and advice? What are the needs of beneficiaries/project promoters? To what extent do we address them? What are the main issues? How can we disseminate and make the best use of good practices?
The Future of TEN-T Policy & Transport Corridors in Europe Riga, 17 September Thank you for your attention!