Marine and Coastal Management in England and Wales Heidi Roberts, Principal Environmental Consultant Plancoast Conference, Berlin 21 st November 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Marine and Coastal Management in England and Wales Heidi Roberts, Principal Environmental Consultant Plancoast Conference, Berlin 21 st November 2007

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Welcome Heidi Roberts Principal Environmental Consultant Water Division within Atkins Water and Environment Multidisciplinary consultancy Over 10 years experience in coastal and marine management Demonstration Programme on ICZM (Isle of Wight Council) Commissioned by the LGA to comment on marine and coastal policy on their behalf Presentation from perspective of local government

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management The LGA Coastal SIG Vision: ……to established improved governance, management and community well being to ensure that the UK has the best managed coast in Europe, and to identify appropriate and sustainable funding strategies to support this aim. Mission Statement; …..represent the collective interests of all maritime local authorities by securing: Step change in the level of funding; Full involvement of local Government; Oppose and reduction in local democratic accountability.

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Coastal and Marine Management ICZM Strategy for England Marine Bill ICZM Consultation: Summer 2006 Marine Bill Consultation: Consultation Document, Summer 2006 and consultation on Draft White Paper, March-June 2007

ICZM Strategy for England

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Key Aspects of the ICZM Strategy It wasnt a Strategy- only Consultation Document Didnt really say anything! Future action – unknown…..

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Views of LGA Coastal SIG Vision for Englands coast National Coastal Forum - role in co-ordinating and advising on policy, and be chaired independently; Strengthen the Governments Coastal Policy Unit A Coastal Commission be established. Five yearly review of the State of the Coast Information networks to be created; and Support partnerships and networking initiatives

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Coastal Commission Develop a national strategy Develop an integrated and targeted cost effective research programme The development of strategic coastal resource management (this could be undertaken through the Marine Bill as long as there is sufficient inclusion of coastal stakeholders) The development and regeneration of the economic potential of the coast to sustain coastal communities Review of all arrangements for managing the coast; The identification of coastal and inshore areas of Strategic National Importance; and An identification and agreement of the areas and issues to be managed as Regional Seas with European partners.

The UK Marine Bill

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management The Marine Bill 1.A UK wide system of marine spatial planning 2.New system for marine licensing 3.Development of marine conservation areas 4.Improving marine fisheries management 5.New Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Key issue: integration of management at the land and sea interface

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Concerns of LGA Marine Spatial Planning Marine Protected Areas Marine Agencies Marine Stakeholders Local Government Agencies Protected Areas Spatial Planning Coastal Communities ICZM – Where is the Strategy?

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management How do we integrate land and sea? Local Government Agencies Protected Areas Spatial Planning Coastal Communities Marine Spatial Planning Marine Protected Areas Marine Agencies Marine Stakeholders

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management Marine Bill White Paper The LGAs concerns relating to the coastal aspect of the White Paper are: No information on how planning and decision making will be integrated or coordinated across the land sea interface No reference to using integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as a mechanism for delivering consistency across the land-sea interface.

21st NovemberMarine and Coastal Management So where from here? Promotion of ICZM Marine Bill – planned for Parliament in 2008 ICZM Strategy – who knows! Future hopes on the integration of ICZM fully into the Marine Bill…… …….Watch this space but dont get your hopes up…….